Text File
Uploaded by : Graham Burgess [100617.2702@compuserve.com]
Note 1 : This was originally distributed in the form of a
self-extracting file (dasboot!.exe).
This zip contains all the files that are created by
running dasboot!.exe.
Note 2 : If you want to play this wad using Doom2.exe, you
will need to use deusf.
Note 3 : There are a few areas where you can get trapped.
Author : Ralph Kukla
Email Address : rkukla@t-online.de
Misc. Author Info : Pffff....
Description : Got the idea from the movie-soundtrack of
"Das Boot" by Klaus Doldinger. Fortunately i
found a Tekkno-Like MIDI-File of this Track by U 96.
The story: Well after alot of ....., you find yourself
onboard of a Nazi-Submarine. Try to fight your way out.
Thats all folks.
Additional Credits to : Olivier Montanuy, for DeuTex & DeuSF
Ben Morris for DCK (It's great!)
id Software
Klaus Doldinger, U 96 (Alex Christensen)for the
My wife for her patience (if I were her, I would
have killed me :-))...)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (it's possible, but due to the straight
level-set not recommended)
Difficulty Settings : Why?
New Sounds : Yes
New Music : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
Demos Replaced : Why?!
* Construction *
Base : Built from scratch - a few Doom2 graphics
borrowed and modified
Build Time : Really interested...?
Editor(s) used : DCK, DeuTex, DeuSF, Cakewalk
Known Bugs : Blown thugs?
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may distribute these files freely on any media, provided they are
unmodified and this text file is included. If you want to use components
of DASBOOT2.WAD or DASBFX.WAD for future levels, drop me a note.
* FTP sites *
compuserve action games forum
ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors