Text File
The Cult: The Castle
Map 07 of a DooM 2 Megawad by Milian Moritz
Title : cult7.wad
Date Finished : February 2004
Author : Milian Moritz
Email Address : marc_013@gmx.de
Other Files By Author : Maps 01-06 of this Megawad, but not yet released
Misc. Author Info : Hmmm...
Description : This is Map 07 of a Megawad I'm building. After finishing Maps 01-06 I put them into a forum
for play-testing. I recieved some comments and tips and tried to follow them with this sequel.
So, don't hesitate to tell me your opinion about this map! The story will go on.
Maps 01 to 06 contain your trip, starting in a convent, through a church, a big valley, where you
find a ship. With the ship you make your way over the ocean to an unknown island. On this island
you come to a big castle, which is: this Map! (see "The Story")
After testing the first 6 Maps, many players said, that these maps were too easy to play. Well,
I'm not of the ultra-violent kind. But in this map, I also put a hard skill-level, but I never
played it myself. So, I'm very interested in your opinion if you like it the rough way :-)
Additional Credits to : Martin for testing and the guys at doomworld.com who helped me with some problems and their tips.
My main sources of inspiration have been;
Hundreds of wads I played, before I started to create my own wads in summer 2003.
The Story:
Rumours are current, that in the near convent some strange things are going on.
You are engaged to find out what's going on behind it's walls.
Your trip begins at the entrance of the Convent. You enter and find out, that the former monks are
dressed in uniforms and bearing arms. A peaceful religion was replaced by a bizarre Cult. And strange creatures seem to
be the new masters of the convent. But who is the God they're praying for?
You proceed deeper and deeper into a journey to an unknown destination.
MAP 01: The Convent
MAP 02: The Church
MAP 03: The Catacombs
MAP 04: The Canyon
MAP 05: The Ship
MAP 06: The Island
--> MAP 07: The Castle
to be continued...
* Type of DooM II file*
Map # : Map 07
Single Player