Text File
Title : Frags For All!
A Deathmatch WAD Series designed specifically for
four player deathmatch play. (DOOM II)
Filename : FRAG4ALL.WAD
Author : Christian Antkow
Email Address : cant@softchoice.com
Misc. Author Info : Crazed and devoted DOOM nut who's in search of the
perfect four player deathmatch WAD for network
play. Spends more time on DOOM related activities
than would like to admit :)
Description :"Lock the target
Bait the line
Spread the net
and FRAG the man!"
(To paraphrase Front 242's "HeadHunter")
MAP01 - Free For All : Converted from my original DOOM I deathmatch wad
This was my first "real" deathmatch wad and still
remains as one of my favourites. All weapons are
present, but going for them puts you in a position
to be fragged. Fast paced and crazy.
MAP02 - Skulker : This one is Andrew Moore's favourite (fellow
co-worker and DOOM nut). You skulk around in a
dark maze searching for your opponent. Not a very
high-frag level but it lends itself nicely for some
long distance rocket fights or shotgun battles.
The catwalks also make gameplay more interesting by
being able to sneak up on an unsuspecting opponent.
MAP03 - Hunter : A very simple rocket WAD. A very high "Negative
Frag" level if you have four players and have an
itchy trigger finger.
MAP04 - Death To All : Made this level while totally smashed at an office
party. Had an entire office full of drunk crazees
who wanted to see how long it could take me to
design a deathmatch WAD. Took me an hour to build
this one and we played it well into the wee hours
of the morning. This one is a VERY HIGH FRAG level
and with four players, it's just INSANE!!! This is
my best "Heart-Pounding-Sweat-Building" level to
date. Big thanks go out to my Ingram Micro,
Symantec, Microsoft and Delrina reps for cheering
me on while I slaughtered the other people in
the office...
MAP05 - Carnage : Was fooling around with some different ideas in
this one. There are diagonal coridoors connecting
four outside rooms and this one makes for
interesting play. There is a hidden warp in the
centre courtyard where the rocket launcher is
which leads to a lift to a megasphere.
MAP06 - DeadZone : A bit of a departure for me. I was messing around
with hidden areas and sniping positions. This one
revolves around a centre room with a lift to a
rocket launcher and around the rocket launcher
are four floating megaspheres. You have to see this
one. This one is probably my best deathmatch WAD
and with four players, it kicks!
Additional Credits to : Andrew Moore (amoo@softchoice.com) for the
Floating MegaSphere idea on MAP06
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01-MAP06
Single Player : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES, YES, Oh Y E S!!!
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
Build Time : Well over 200+ hours in total
Play Notes : All levels have co-op exits. We've found that it's
also good to play with -TIMER 10 and see who get's
the most frags after 10 minutes.
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : 1DEU-II, DEU2C, EdMap 1.?
Known Bugs : On MAP06, as you're going up the rocket launcher
lift, the floors from the invisible sector briefly
"Bleed" but go away and soon as it's out of your
line of sight. Couldn't find a way around this
Thanx to the entire id crew for releasing such a great game. It was worth
every penny I spent on it and has given me countless hours of enjoyment
with network and modem play. I look forward to spending my money on Quake
when it ships in 4th quarter '95 and hope it lives up to the hype.
If you have any comments about these levels, please e-mail me. Tell me what
you think and if I get good enough response, I'll probably design some more.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.idsoftware.com