Text File
Title Three Testing Maps
Filename _testmap.Wad
Game Doom 2
Source Port any (doom2.exe)
Author Daniel
Email Address dal.eletro@bol.com.br
Misc. Author Info edits Doom since 1996.
author of New World, Neo Doom,
Female Doom, Dalxx.Wad, Armasxx.Wad
These are levels that I made for test DeHackEd patches.
They're very useful if you're a Doom Editor, and likes to make
DeHackEd patches. It can also be a tutorial wad, if you want.
The first level is the most useful. It helps me a lot
with every patch I made. It has all the Doom things on logical
places. On room has all the monsters into cages (like a cRaZy
dOcToR Lab!); the other has all weapons, ammo, keys and health
items. The Third, the whole scenario things. Another "secret"
room has all the power-up things. It has also a room with the
last Doom boss. This level is very useful if you want to check
any bug while making a very complex patch. Female Doom, Neo
Doom, New World and all the ArmasXX.Wad were made with this
helpful map.
The second level is a fun BFG test. You're on a top of
a tower, and the monsters will appear on teleport if you shot.
It tests how long the enemies can be throw with a BFG shot.
Sarcastic death. The lines on the floor helps to calculate
the distance of the bodies.
The third level is an special Arch-Vile testing. I
always substitute Arch-Vile on DeHackEd patches, because it
gets a lot of code-pointers free. I also substitute the SS
Nazi guard sometimes.
Additional Credits to
The Doom creators;
Lucinho, my beta tester (he loves this wad)
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM ][
Episode and Level # : MAP01-MAP03
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : EdMap (main level editor), WadAuthor
Known Bugs :
* Instructions *
Just unzip it to your favorite WAD directory, then
use the source port launcher program to load this wad, or
type, via DOS:
ZDoom.exe -file [directory]\_testmap.wad
You can do the same with Doom Legacy: