Tyler Pantella (picklehammer), whose MOD classes were my inspiration: Jeremy Elder (SgtCrispy), gave me pre-publishing listening and encouragement for Chiptune Doom: Tom White (Hyena), who gave the first release of Chiptune Doom praise in Doomworld's /newstuff Chronicles. Dean Joseph (deathz0r), who gave version 1.1 of Chiptune Doom praise in Doomworld's /newstuff Chronicles. mv/hellven, whose drum samples I used throughout this project. Ralphis (Ralph Vickers), whose NESDoom this music was originally intended for. Since NESDoom is but another project of his that may not see the light of day, I'm releasing this on its own. If NESDoom is ever released, you'll probably find this music within.
Text File
Archive Maintainer : No special instructions
Update to : Not an update
Advanced engine needed : Yes, any that can play tracker-based music
Primary purpose : Music PWAD, no levels included
Title : Doom NES Music
Filename : nesmus.wad
Release date : June 22, 2004
Author : Bloodshedder (Bill Koch)
Email Address :
Other Files By Author : jazzdoom.wad (Made a few years ago, not entirely
proud of it :P)
hrcave.wad (Heretic level created by my brother,
uploaded by me)
chipdoom.wad (The original Chiptune Doom)
chipdm2.wad (Chiptune Doom 2)
Misc. Author Info : Part of the Doomworld staff
Description : All the original Doom tunes remixed into NES-
style chiptunes via Impulse Tracker (IT) format.
If you don't know what a chiptune is, basically
it emulates the sound of the NES, Commodore 64,
etc. music engines in the form of tracker-based
music (MOD, XM, S3M, IT, etc). In this case, the
songs resemble what you might have heard if Doom
was ported to the NES. It should be noted that
these songs were converted BY HAND, without the
aid of a MID->IT converter of any sort.
Additional Credits to : Tyler Pantella (picklehammer), whose MOD classes
were my inspiration:
Jeremy Elder (SgtCrispy), gave me pre-publishing
listening and encouragement for Chiptune Doom:
Tom White (Hyena), who gave the first release of
Chiptune Doom praise in Doomworld's /newstuff
Dean Joseph (deathz0r), who gave version 1.1 of
Chiptune Doom praise in Doomworld's /newstuff
mv/hellven, whose drum samples I used throughout
this project.
Ralphis (Ralph Vickers), whose NESDoom this music
was originally intended for. Since NESDoom is but
another project of his that may not see the light
of day, I'm releasing this on its own. If NESDoom
is ever released, you'll probably find this music
* What is included *
New levels : None