Text File
Title New World 2
Filename NewWrld2.Wad
Game Doom 2
Source Port Any that supports DeHackEd Patches and
enables jumping. ZDoom v1.22+ and Doom
Legacy v1.42 tested
Author Daniel
Email Address dal.eletro@bol.com.br
Misc. Author Info edits Doom since 1996. Author of
New World, Neo Doom, DalXX.Wad,
The marine is back to the New World. But now,
you were captured by enemies. You'll start on a prision.
Advancing, you'll see some of the best atmospheres made
by me. The final objective is waste an ancient temple
that brings enemies from other dimensions.
TIP: If you're a ZDoom 2.0 player, use the "emulate
OPL chip" option on Extra Sound Options screen. You'll
listen to the music with the instrumentation just like
I imaginated.
Due to some critics about the gameplay of my levels,
I did my best work on this wad.
Additional Credits to
Well, a lot of people here. First, thanks to John
Romero and John Carmack, from ID Software. Second, to my
beta tester Lucinho. Now, thanks to the following authors:
Jeff Rabenhorst - EdMap
Greg Lewis - DeHackEd
Olivier Montanuy - WinTex
Williston Consulting - WadAuthor
Csabo - XWE
Randy Heit - ZDoom
Denis Fabrice and Pereira Boris (Doom Legacy)
Blazeeder - texture artist
And the author from those wads: The Darkening, Doom Raider,
Egyptian Doom, Gothic Textures for Doom, EDGE Castle,
Anubius, Egyptian Doom 2 and the games Duke Nukem 3D,
Redneck Rampage, Shadow Warrior, Quake and Unreal.
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM ][
Episode and Level # : 01-16
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : Yes
Demos Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : EdMap, WadAuthor, WinTex, XWE, DeHackEd
Known Bugs : None
* Instructions *
Just unzip it to your favorite WAD directory, then
use the source port launcher program to load this wad, or
type, via DOS:
ZDoom.exe -file [directory]\NewWrld2.wad
You can do the same with Doom Legacy: