Text File
To Archive maintainter: This is a set of DM maps using ZDooM, please add to the levels/doom2/deathmatch/ports/g-i directory
Title : Godless 4: Kingdom Come
Filename : GODLESS4.WAD
Author : Chris Bilski and Blain Newport
Email Address : brn@calweb.com (STILL!!!)
Homepage : Not Up Yet (BCDM will be back up soon.)
Misc. Author Info : The authors are now old men with no skills.
Description : DooM 3 was almost upon us, and with only one more set of eight levels to go before having enough to make a Godless megawad, the Berry Creek Deathmatch Team kicked into high gear! These are the last levels. The megawad featuring them should be out shortly.
Additional Credits to : id, the makers of all the new tools (they rule)
Special thanks go to : The third member of BCDM (Berry Creek Deathmatch), our stalwart playtester Wayne.
* Play Information *
Game : Doom 2
Port : Only tested under ZDoom
Episode and Level # : MAP01 - MAP09 (bonus map!)
Single Player : For learning the map
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope.
Deathmatch 2-8 Player : I believe every level has at least 6 starts, but these maps (as all of our maps) are made with 3-4 players in mind
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented. Play on skill 5 DM 1.0 -nomonsters
New Sounds : No.
New Graphics : Misc. graphics, nothing to write home about
New Music : No.
Demos Replaced : DEMO1 DEMO2 and DEMO3, but ZDooM doesn't seem to know how to reset the random number generator, so you can only watch one, restart ZDooM, then watch another. If they weren't sad demos of two old men fighting at 1:30 in the morning, it'd be a problem.
* Construction *
Base : New levels made entirely from scratch.
Editor(s) used : DCK (for the maps that were started a long time ago)
WadBuilder (WOO FREAKIN' HOO!)
DeuTex (Oh hell yeah!)
WinTex (mostly just for double checking)
GIMP for Windows (Better than warezing PhotoShop!)
Build Time : Lots and lots of hours.
Playtesting : Me and Chris using DooM connector.
Known Bugs : Obviously the demo playback, but that's ZDooM's bug. I just realized you can jump outside of MAP08 by riding the lift that blocks the exit. Ther