Text File
Archive Maintainer : n/a
Update to : n/a
Advanced engine needed : n/a
Primary purpose : Single+Coop play
Title : Dice's Dimension
Filename : dicedimn.wad
Release date : 28/12/2004
Author : Stephen Plumb
Email Address : plumbdaaxman@icqmail.com
Other Files By Author : none released
Misc. Author Info : I have been making DooM 2 maps for my own
enjoyment for a while now, but this is my
first single player release.
Description : A straight forward single player level
based around a large atrium. Not too big
but will take a short while to complete.
Plenty of the meatier bad guys to fight!
Additional Credits to : Pascal vd Heiden for Doom Builder (works
like DEU but much friendlier).
iD software, for DooM 1, 2 & of course 3.
* What is included *
New levels : 1
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : None
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM2
Map # : MAP01
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Other game styles : None
Difficulty Settings : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : About three days
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder
Known Bugs : My texture alignment is never perfect,
but it shouldn't be noticable whilst playing.
If you're the kind of person who scours maps
to find errors, you'll find quite a few
textures that could have been fit better.
May Not Run With... : Scissors
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any
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