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Vae Victus

   (53 reviews)


4 Screenshots

About This File

A 7 level "episode" for Doom 2 utilizing new textures and music. For fans of Deus Vult and Alien Vendetta. There are only two difficulty settings: Normal (easy and medium) and hard.The most noticable areas of difficulty change is in key areas, such as replacing an archville with a baron of hell (for example). Normal difficulty is a toned down version while Ultra Violence is what makes VV fun. My advice is to play it on UV, and if it proves too much, play it on normal. However, Map06 in particular is quite hard on UV.

Par completion time is around 80-120 minutes depending on the player; however it will take most players longer than 120 minutes the first time around. Co-Op play is not only an option, it's preferred! Load it up, get some friends, and have some fun. ZDoom is recommended. Some enviroments in the later maps might be too big for older computers slower than 1.0 ghz.

A tip for people who are going to complain about map06: In order to get the gate to lower, you must find a series of teleporters which will take you to various locations in the hills that will lead to the switch. The first teleport is located behind the marble face in the lava. This is completely beatable. And as always, save often.

As for map07, I decided to include it in this release simply because I wasn't about to release a dead simple remake in a 5 meg texture pack :)

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a very fun mapset that, unfortunately, is plagued by a few bugs. it's mostly fine if you get the fix, but if you're unaware of it then it's gonna prevent you from progressing


it's a shame, because this really is a great mapset. it starts off somewhat standard but quickly becomes quite reminiscent of av's later levels. i highly recommend it if you're into that

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· Edited by galileo31dos01


Done with these settings:


- Crispy Doom 5.2
- Ultra-Violence
- Continuous combined with pistol start mindset.
- Saves every 10 minutes or so.


Important note: The wad is almost fully playable in Crispy Doom or complevel 2, but due to two inaccessible doors which are part of progress, maps 03 and 04 cannot be completed without cheats. Because of that, ZDoom is the source port to be used like the author said in the text file, or else for PRBoom+ users I suggest to use this patch file that fix them. Thanks to WH-Wilou84 for sending me it, though Alfonzo made it for this thread. Also, other specifications about what's recommended to play this wad will be described below. 


This is a solid episode of mid-sized maps for those who fancy Alien Vendetta in its semi-slaughtery way. Same for its visual design, the wad features mostly a similar texture arrangement from the earlier and latest episodes from AV, ranging from techbases and industrial factories to underground caverns in a lite hellish context that gave me some nice throwbacks. It apparently includes new textures, but their purpose don't seem to stand out in any particular context, more like a complement to the stock ones, and to be honest they went unnoticed during my playthrough. I did see the blue Wolf3d texture usage as part of colour variation among other details, a modest appearance though, which was neat. If something cannot be overlooked is detailing, specifically the part that refers to "things". Users of source ports that allow to turn off infinite height will have it softer to maneuver around, because of dead trees and hanging corpses out of the FOV you can get stuck in. I understand they are part of the transition from man-made structures to more natural landscapes, yet they can be potential annoyances in later maps. It's a little slip in design, given the existence of many ports that support this wad, and regardless of the author's recommendation, not everyone is going to stick with it. Anyways, I liked the midis, they certainly fit in their maps except the one in map 04, it's a beautiful calm track but not for outdoor areas, in my opinion. 


Vae Victus is only short in number of maps, but it's plagued of monsters to kill, assuming you're ready to dispatch every meat shield in the road. Difficulty is forgiving for the skilled player, there isn't much in the way of pressure or hectic encounters as long as you have your feet on the ground, literally speaking. I did notice how limited in ammo are some maps, requiring berserk usage specially from pistol starts. Also there is an oddity in the 4th map, all of the weapons minus berserk are multiplayer-only, and while you'll eventually steal the shotgun and chaingun from zombies, all of the cell packs are of no utility, which indicates the author missed to place weapons in single player. Still, what's more strange is the sheer absence of the BFG throughout the wad, not that you'll really need it. On another side, the wad is easily comparable to the two wads the author got inspiration of: the aforementioned Alien Vendetta in its design structures, hallways connected by compartments (of which resources are located and typically small intruders too), few switch/key hunts involving backtrack and mostly the kind of meaty incidental combat where you either stay and fight or escape and camp, which is up to the player's will. The mapset gets more in the vein of Deus Vult later, when the bigger areas are meant to be explored in depth, and killing everything turns a bit more time-consuming and less obligatory, besides monsters completely out of the player's aim. The penultimate map is where this wad excels, although I must admit the initial area is a chore to navigate. Nevertheless, it's a decent romp in difficulty, the skinned walls room is the first fun lock-in trap, followed by some crowd-herding in order to eliminate the primary targets. It's unfortunate that the last map is a bit of an anticlimax after the previous longer map, which could have served perfectly as a closure to the wad. 


Secret-wise, if you wonder why you still haven't found any of the 13 secrets in the third map, don't worry, 10 are on top of crates the author probably forgot to untag. Maxing the map is impossible due to that, though. Outside of that, the secrets don't require much skill to find, if anything you'll be ok with humping suspicious walls, pistol starters will definitely appreciate the berserk in map 04. For favourite maps, that's hard to tell, I honestly don't have any highlight whatsoever, I liked all of the maps pretty much the same, except for the underwhelming map 07. I also wonder why they don't have names, huh...


Overall, it's fairly enjoyable in what it offers, I'd recommend it more for the casual player rather than the one looking for a new challenge, but still should deliver some relaxing grind with bits of slaughtery if you're open to it, just don't expect anything bizarre. Oh and, non-ZDoom maxers, remember to turn off autoaim to try to kill those snipers from afar in map 05, although in Crispy Doom it was still impossible to reach them :/ ... My rate is 7/10. 

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Super map set here with nice and refined gameplay throughout. Maybe the odd bit here and there wasn't as great but it's still deserving of no less than 5 stars. -TRRobin.

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Very good slaughter wad. While the second has the better visuals I prefer the gameplay on this one. Both though are well worth it.

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Unknown date

I'm not sure what to think of this level-set. It's a decent enough effort, but it's strangely lacking in some respects, especially gameplay. It's also a bit too obviously inspired by Deus Vult. Worth a download, but not a re-play. 3/5

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Unknown date

Dude, I'm ejaculating continuously into my pants. 5/5 - Nautilus

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Unknown date

Hell yes. Yes! These maps are legendary. Get it now. Map07... hmm... Need some more action. Map05 takes the cake man. Incredible stuff. 6 out of 5 - Moti

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Unknown date

Legendary, simply legendary!!! Great gameplay, beautiful and very detailed architecture, a long time with hard and less hard battles, before reaching the end!!! Masterpiece! - Jive

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Unknown date

Nice, but a little flawed. Generally nice looking, with some big architecture in some of the later maps. But the ammo balance seems to go off a bit at times, and I'm not overly keen on some of the texturing (though generally it was fine). Whilst nice looking, I don't think maps 5 and 6 'work' all that well. I definately preferred the first few maps, and the last level is a complete anti-climax following on from the huge maps 5 and 6. 4/5

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Unknown date

One of the best wad I've ever played. 5/5. Second part is much worse.

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Unknown date

The only way to describe this is this: It is awesomeness contained in such a way that it keeps our brains from exploding.

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Unknown date

The musics of levels 5 and 6 I recognized from Turok 2 and Donkey Kong Country 2 (respectively). Levels 1-4 were rather tight on ammo but beautifully detailed. Levels 5 and 6 seem like leftover maps from Deus Vult; using architectural, textural, and battle-related ideas basically stolen from DV. Not like that's a bad thing. Level 7 was put in as a a 'dead simple' spin-off that needed at least twice the enemy count it had. But overall, an unbelievable effort ... from ONE person! ***** - deldelda

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Unknown date

One of the best map packs released in a while. Great texture themes and a wicked surprise when map 5 rolls around. Bring a buddy along to share the pain, and watch your back!

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Unknown date

Great job, 5 from me. ed

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Unknown date

Very good! I thought levels 5 and 6 were the best (they sort of reminded me of Deus Vult). But level 7 really needs improvement; too short and too easy compared to the other levels. Other than that, this wad was pretty good. I wish there were more levels in it.

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Unknown date

Too big, with too much monsters, rulex 5/5!!! Why does the last map has to be so small in comparison to the two previous monstrous?

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Unknown date

Wow.... It get's kind'a crazy in the final levels but it's still got a nice design and the flow of the game is good. AND it's a helluva lotta fun. Good purchase, err, I mean download. Spectacular. 5 stars. That's all I gotta say. -GeeDawgg

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Unknown date

This is the epiphany of classic Doom WADS out there. This guy took his time and made sure to create the best classic Doom experience I have played in god knows how friggin long. If you consider yourself a Doom fan you MUST play this. See if you have what it takes. This really is legendary. - Hudson

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Unknown date

Very clever. Level 5 is the kicker; level 6 is overkill and the first four levels are high-quality, but overshadowed by level 5, which is awesome to look at. Not much fun to play, because for all its great size the landscape is fiddly, but it's an impressive thing to look and, and it makes JDoom slow to a crawl. Rather like the previous chap I too find myself constantly ejaculating into my pants, although that's nothing to do with this level, or Doom at all. It's a personal thing.

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Unknown date

Some ok maps ruined by idiot overkill in the last few. Really sick of these maps that think a large room full with 100 each of revenants, barons and cacos is somehow "fun". Actually, it's BORING and a CHORE. Rather pull my toenails out.

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Unknown date

finally a small set of levels were the difficulty progresses evenly. typically only megawads do that for some reason. but here is a samll set were it is even. 5/5 nuff' said

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Unknown date

This wad is made of pure epicness. 5/5

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Unknown date

This is perfect.

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Unknown date

Awesome. Deus Vult influence spreads. 5strz -NMN

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Unknown date

I think Hudson means epitome. :P Anyway, the maps are good, but not that damn good. Until the later part of Map 6 it's pretty easy, even with the lack of ammo. All you have to do is use the bezerk pack a little. There's tons of health. The gameplay ranges from exciting battles to boring, taking out enemies in huge areas. Overall I enjoyed it, but it's not the second coming of Romero :P - Udderdude

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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