Text File
Filename: tree1.zip
Uploaded: ocf.unt.edu (4-26-94)
Author: Greg A. Lewis (gregory.lewis@um.cc.umich.edu)
Wad Tools: Deu 5.0 and BSP 1.1x
Loads As: Episode 1 Level 1 (requires registered doom)
Sample Load Command:
c:\doom> doom -file tree1.wad
This is a moderately difficult level, although different skill levels
are implemented. It features a broad array of monsters and weapons,
with just enough health to get you through the rough parts. A few nifty
effects can be achieved with barrels, ceilings, and floors, if you do the
right things. This is not an entirely hack-n-shoot level, and minimal
intelligence is required (sorry, couldn't help it!).
This level has been played numerous times in deathmatches (too many to
count!), and public opinion holds this to be a fun deathmatch level.
After enough switches have been triggered, and players find the locations
of the weapons, the action gets fast and furious (and a little sneaky, too).
Please send any comments you may have to the above e-mail address.