Text File
Advanced engine needed : Skulltag
Primary purpose : Deathmatch
Title : Submerge Deathmatch Pack 1
Filename : SUBDM1.wad
Release date : 5/07/05
Author : Joel R. Poston aka Submerge
Email Address : nyss@twu.net
Other Files By Author : None!
Misc. Author Info : Not much worth knowing
Description : 6 maps for Deathmatch, and 3 for Capture the flag! This is my first major WAD debut, so
I hope I don't disappoint! feel free to mail me or PM me at Doomworld's forums with criticism (preferably good)
MAP01: Plasma Spinner 2-4 players (Bot Friendly)
This map is a plasma gun whore's dream. It's small size makes it ideal for duels, and frantic killing
for 4 players. remember.... trees can stop plasma, but not bullets.
MAP02: Forgotton Bunker 2-4 players
The BFG 10k IS accessible in this map, you just have to look around. no. I'm not spoiling it. Don't linger
in the trench, unless you want to be souped by a grenade from above
MAP03: HOP! 2-6 players
Don't even ask me why i made the sky like that. I just did, and it looks cool, so too bad if it
gives you a seizure. All of the really good stuff is reachable via the high jump rune! Hop to it!
just remeber that if you want any of the other runes, you hafta give up the high jump ^_^
MAP04: Applied Pressure 3-6 players
I wasn't certain that this map would fly, but it's GREAT! If you have good ears and a grenade
launcher, you can take some poor saps by surprise quite a bit. Be sure to get the regeneration
rune too, as it is very handy in this map.
MAP05: Witching Hour (Bot Friendly): 2-5 players
Bots do well in this map. The drain rune is easily grabbed after the switch is pressed, so be sure to
book it once the pillar drops! Find the hidden Minigun too.
MAP06: Bricks and grass (Bot Friendly): 2-4 players
Sorry. another Bricks and Grass themed DM Map. you've seen em everywhere, I know. I'm sorry! ack!
The only thing the bots CAN'T do in the map is get the invisibility sphere. but that's fine, since
I'm sure you want it for yourself anyway ^_^
MAP32: Umbilical Hangar 2-6 players
This map is the very first map i ever took a serious shot at for deathmatch. Sadly enough, it desyncs
badly at some points, and bots slow it down something fierce. It doesn't work too well with the other
maps, so i set it aside as MAP32. I wanted to keep it at map01, but i just couldn't. sorry.
The bots perform only so-so on the maps that I didn't specifically mark
CTF01: Hex King's Lair 8+ players
This CTF map is my pride and joy. it took me months to complete! The one is made for huge games, so set the
rules accordingly. Dive into the center pool for red armor and runes, or maybe head up the lift from the flag
and snipe fools with the bfg10000. At least, until they nail you with a rocket. The BFG access points CLOSE for
5 minutes after you enter it. keep that in mind, and don't hang on someone's tail by the lift if they're going up.
unless you like being a pancake. Once you're in the opposing base, you can either hop across a narrow lava pit
if you take the long way, or pass through a forcefield that bites into your health if you're on the wrong team.
Have fun with this map. I had fun making it, and I would dearly LOVE to see it used as it is intended to be.
CTF02: Hell's blemish: 4-8 players
The ctf map is smaller. I made this one after postulating that a ctf map where the flags were right next to each
other, separated by a window, would be a neat idea. And this map turned out pretty neat. Either cross the
canyon of lava in the middle, or use a teleporter. either way, you will have a bit of a walk ahead of you. Just
don't get railed.
CTF03: Mudhole: 4-8 players
This map is simplicity itself. big hole. enemy base on other side. jump pads in hole. Go do your thing.
Additional Credits to : Killmur, Carnevil, ItallianStallion, and many
others for beta testing. Many thanks to Nick
Baker (Nightmare) for creating the Episode 5
texture pack, which is used in a few of these
maps (albiet should have been used more)
* What is included *
New levels : 6DM and 3CTF
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : A DM map that doesn't belong in the main flow of
the maps, but i didn't have the heart to toss
out: MAP32
Other files required : None
* Play Information *
Game : Doom
Map # : MAP01 to MAP06, and CTF01 to CTF03
Single Player : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for
Other game styles : 3 CTF maps
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : A few months
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder
Known Bugs : A few texture misalignments, I'm sure, but the
rest ought to be fine!
May Not Run With... : anything that isn't skulltag
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have
received permission from the original authors of any modified or included
content in this file to allow further distribution.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: http://nyss.twu.net/SUBDM1.zip