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Scythe 2. Version 2

   (426 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

This is the sequel to my old megawad "Scythe". Expect better looking and bigger levels. unfortunately, the last 3 levels are missing, because I am so lazy and I haven't been satisfied with my attempts at making map28. I _might_ release the last 3 maps some time in the future, but do not count on it. (Update: the last 3 maps are now completed!)

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Unknown date

My brain hurts from the insane amounts of awesome this WAD shoots out of my computer. 5/5

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Unknown date

Good megawad: I like the progression between the different themes. Started out a bit easy. The middle bits are the best. The later sections (some of the green vine stuff) isn't much fun: invuln + archie battles are boring imho. Well done Eric!

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Unknown date

Another awesome wad, even though it is missing 3 maps. Gnerally more medium-large levels than the original Scythe but still some small ones. Like the original, all maps look and play great (and as mentioned the average map size is bigger) even though the last couple maps are REALLY hard. There are also far more custom textures in this wad than in Scythe I, and each episode (5 maps, except the final episode which is Map26-27) has a unique and well done theme. The secret levels are cool too. 5/5

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Unknown date

I like it a bit better than Scythe 1, but...it's still not that great. I mean, it gets better towards the end, but, overall, there's something about the gameplay or design or whatever that doesn't grab my attention. It feels...very stale almost all the time, and I've played a lot of WADs. 3/5

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Unknown date

Steaming pile of goat shit/5

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Unknown date

levels were ugly and boring. gameplay was yawn inducing. not nearly as epic as everyone says.

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Unknown date

Excellent megawad! Beautiful, fun to play, original, vanilla doom compatibility. This is the perfect mapset 5/5 - Sniper 109

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Unknown date

Amazing work! 5 stars - Fanatic

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Unknown date

you cant hate this wad, its impossible. 5/5 5/5 5/5

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Unknown date

Alright, this is seriously on the number one spot of best WADs ever for me. The gameplay is crazy and gradually gets harder and harder. The amount of detail and layout is insane and I so wish I had this super creativity with mapping like this author has. My most favorite maps are 8, 12, 14, 17, 25, 27 and map16 scared the living shit out of me. But then again, there was not one map I didn't like. I also loved that modified Afrit which adds even more to the difficulty. Just...pure awesomeness.

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Unknown date

What is there that I can say that wouldn't be repeating everything in the world ever? It's Scythe 2! Erik Alm/5

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Unknown date

it was a lot of fun to play until map 20. after that, i lost taste in it. too many monsters for me. 4/5

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Unknown date

Damn awesome! 4/5 -Lutrov71

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Unknown date

Started out as a very excellent Megawad, after about map07, it was all downhill... gameplay wise. These levels get so ridiculously stupid; expect to have cyberdemons teleporting behind you at a seemingly empty exit, or immediately killing you from behind when you start a new level. Map28 had the best gameplay of all the levels in this series. 3/5 for effort, and purdy looking graphics. Gameplay way harder than AV, near impossible in some spots.

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Unknown date

Some absolutely stunning maps in here. This is just as good as Scythe, but for different reasons. The difficulty is reasonable up until MAP23, when it suddenly shoots up to near ridiculousness. MAP27 is maybe my favorite map ever. 5/5

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Unknown date

To the person who had trouble exiting level 25: you are supposed to do a suicide exit by aiming your rocket launcher at a close-up wall and shooting at it while you are about to backpedal, killing yourself and eventually sliding into the exit. Anyways, awesome wad.

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Unknown date

A stylish, violent sequel to one of the best WADs of all time, Scythe 2 explores six different themes, neatly organized in 5-map episodes. The maps are generally bigger and far more difficult than in Scythe, which effects a different playing experience than its predecessor did (UV is not for casual players, beware!). Even so, the gameplay is highly addictive and everything looks gorgeous. Though I could've done without the new monsters this is nothing short of legendary. Highly recommended. --5/5

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Unknown date


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Unknown date

I found it boring. Sure the architecture is pretty striking, but there are better. I found the levels to be repetitive in both gameplay and visuals, and the last levels were insane. I really never liked playing a level during more than battling 1000+ enemies with all I've got just to find out the next level is just the same. It's just tiring, not entertaining.

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Unknown date

The text file says that nightmare skill is only for the pros. There is no FUCKING way that anyone could play this on nightmare skill level. These are some of the hardest levels I have ever played. Everything looks nice and detailed and if you play on AV you will die. 7/28/07

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Unknown date

^ Be challenging does not make it boring. Just the opposite, easy maps do Doom boring. Do you know that there are skill levels? When someone cant't finish a wad on UV say that the wad is insane, or boring. Skill levels are designed for every kind of people, but people dont want to say they cant finish a map in UV. 6/5 for the best balanced megawad all times.

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Unknown date

Awsome work dude. I loved the flying baron demon. The level Nightmare is just a big box?????? 5/5

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Unknown date

only the best wad ever. 5/5

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Unknown date

Excellent megawad. The detail and challenge was superb. The two new monsters were extremely deadly (ESPECIALLY the first one you run into; they are FAST). I really liked it. The only shortfall is that megawad is not finished; levels 28. 29 and 30 are not completed yet. I sure hope Erik completes the rest of those levels. Other than that, it was completely worth it to play. I recommend you download it.

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Unknown date

Oh yeah I hated it after it was released :) no kidding I just didn't like the miniepisode idea, nowadays I just don't like some maps. (about 10 of them) I am not talking about little mistakes such as text. alignments (who cares?) or something but about the maps and layouts in general, some of them simply should be better.But, damn, kick me for my opinions :) scythe2 is an excellent work overall with some excellent and some worse maps, and I am calling it: legendary, so it truly deserves 5/5. Gusta

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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