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Ressurection of Chaos

   (34 reviews)


4 Screenshots

About This File

Ressurection of Chaos is the sequel to Hordes of Chaos. Just like HOC pushed Heretic's gameplay into new and challenging territory, so will ROC. Be prepared to actually use the items in your inventory instead of letting them sit around the whole game! :O

Note that this time, none of the maps are mine. I can't take credit for the maps. I can only take credit for thing placement, and reworking the maps progression.

Each map was taken from another project and worked on considerably. Here's where each map originally came from :

MAP01 - Vermil's Maps E1M8 MAP02 - Fortress of D'Sparil E3M8 MAP03 - Torture E2M3 MAP04 - Reclamation E2M1 MAP05 - Khazad-dum for Heretic E1M1 MAP06 - GNOSIS MAP01 MAP07 - Bastion of Chaos MAP01

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It seems a couple of doors in the level Tomb of Dead Scary Things don't work as intended in the current version of GZDoom even under the ZDoom 2.0.63 compatibility settings, making the level unbeatable. This sucks because I like the "of Chaos" stuff by udderdude as well as the rest of his stuff and I wanted to play this all the way through. :(

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Pointless megawad finished!

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Unknown date

awesome hexen wad, best i've ever seen 5*

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Unknown date

Fun all the way through, never tedious, and the final battle kicks ass. I see no reason to give this less than 5/5.

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Unknown date

Only got as far as first level... Total mash-up of hexen/heretic and doom isn't my style

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Unknown date

awesome wad, try it now.

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Unknown date

Crashes on zdoom when selecting mace from gauntlets (warrior), though it might be an isolated case. Could have worked better on Heretic PWAD though, considering it's play style. 3/5.

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Unknown date

Thoroughly misguided. A bunch of converted maps (which are edited more than just thing placement, though), altogether too much Heretic crap, scale issues on some of the maps. Totally misses Hexen play style. The Doom monsters are unfitting and in many cases look horrible under the palette conversion. Lame minibosses that are just scaled up regulars. Might've been better off as a full-out jokewad, rather than a "serious" wad with joke-ish parts, as the parody bits are the funnest thing in here.

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Unknown date

"Totally misses Hexen play style." Wow, way to miss the entire point of the mapset. Not many people liked Hexen's "Switch hunt and backtracking for hours" nonsense anyway.

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Unknown date

Excellent. It has very good replay value (you can play each time with a different character). It would also be fun to have a Doom 2 megawad with Heretic/Hexen monsters as well. 5/5

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Unknown date

Well, it's good, except for the completely undetectable enemies which seem to "appear" at the most inopportune times. Other than that, it's fun. I love fighting arch-viles with the hammer of retribution and such.

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Unknown date

Excellent ! It's the best Hexen wad I've ever played. I give it only 4 out of 5 because of the ending fight, could have been really better without flying, and some other drawbacks.... 4 / 5. [WH]-Wilou84

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Unknown date

Excellent work. I dig.

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Unknown date

Great idea, DOOM monsters in Hexen! 5/5

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Unknown date

its only thing placement. u need to start mapping for real. 3/5

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Unknown date

its very fun and challengin (i like the last boss)but the cyberdemon, the mancubus and the revenant really look out of place....

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Unknown date

This was was guranteed succession since the idea came to Udderdude's mind. 5/5. -Bouncy

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Unknown date

5/5 for the funny texts

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Unknown date

Very cool. If the levels are good and the wadder promotes it, why not use them in a pretty decent wad which incorporates hexen, heretic, and doom seamlessly.

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Unknown date

Just a horrible level.

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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