Text File
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Advanced engine needed : ZDOOM 2.0.63a onwards, runs with Skulltag 0.96d
Primary purpose : Weapons mod
Title : Demented Reality : A DeHackEd revolution!
Filename : dmntrlty.wad
Release date : 6th August 2005
Author : TheDarkArchon
Email Address : TheDarkArchon.KDiZD@gmail.com
Other Files By Author : Destructomaniac, The Arms Of Oblivion
Misc. Author Info : I do a lot of weapons modding. Occasionally writes EDGE tutorials
for the Doom Armory (http://armory.drdteam.org).
Description : This mod is a bit of a tech demo: It combines DeHackEd and DECORATE in a
way that has never been see before.
Additional Credits to : See weapon descriptions. Also thanks to iD
* What is included *
New levels : None
Sounds : Yes
Music : Yes
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes
Demos : No
Other : Yes (SNDINFO, DEHSUPP, blah blah blah)
Other files required : Zdoom 2.0.63a onwards, Skulltag 0.96d
* Play Information *
Game : Any Doom IWAD
Map # : N\A
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Other game styles : Yes
Difficulty Settings : N\A
* Construction *
Base : From Scratch
Build Time : 4 days
Editor(s) used : XWE, Paint, The GIMP, Sound Recorder, Audacity
Known Bugs : Incendinary Shells and Railgun slugs teleport
May Not Run With... : Anything outside ZDoom with DECORATE monster support
* Weapons *
Err...beat the crap out of bad guys with your fists
Credits: Xaser for The Great Destroyer which I ripped the fists.
A generic pistol. Fires at a decent speed
Credits: WildWeasel for the abandoned Pistol Panic (graphics) and for Axis And Abaddon (sounds)
A 100% accurate revolver that is 3 times more powerful than the pistol.
Credits: Bashe for the HUD graphics
Chronoteeth for the icon
Whoever did the sound (I forgot. Sorry)
A rapid fire, handheld chaingun. Nice and satisfying.
Credits: Chronoteeth for ripping the HUD graphics
Wildweasel for Batteries Not Included which I used as the base
for the pickup sprite (modified). I also ripped the sound from
Axis And Abaddon
Ever played Zen Dynamics by Xaser or Lil' White Mouse's Hellspawn? Ever seen the rockets fired
by Hell's Battery. Now you get to use them >:)
Credits: Special thanks to Lil' White Mouse for all projectile sprites and ammo
pickup sprite (modified), most sounds and the idea.
Wildweasel/The Freedoom team for the HUD sprites and the pickup sprites.
Wildweasel for the reloading sound.
A slug firing weapon that can penertrate enemies quite easily
Credits: Doom 2.5 team for the projectiles.
The HacX team for the HUD graphics.
Wildweasel for the pickup sprites (I don't know if he ripped them from HacX or not)
Special Thanks to Xaser for the idea and sounds.
A large weapon that fires a powerful explosive shell that spreads a large amount of fire in a
small area, incinerating all in the blast. Cyberdemons and Spiderdemons are immune to fire, though.
Identical in most aspects to the one in the Weapon Resource WAD.
Credits: Whoever made the shell graphics for projectiles and ammo pickup
Wildweasel for the HUD sprites (From BNI. Modified)
Chronoteeth for the pickup sprites
A weapon that shocks the Hell out of badguys at close range.
Credits: Xenophon for all graphics and the attacking sounds
Xaser for the idle sound
A pump-action shotgun that has a large spread but a slow rate of fire
Credits: Snarboo for the HUD sprites
Cory Whittle for the pickup sprite (Modified)
Wildweasel and his Lock And Load sound patch for the firing sound (modified)
Xaser for the pump sound (modified)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from previous dudes.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirror mazes