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Scientist 2

   (63 reviews)


11 Screenshots

About This File

Made for "vanilla" doom2.exe and includes: -20 single player maps (map01 upto 20 = all 11 maps from sci.wad + 9 new maps), -10 bonus deathmatch maps (map21-30) -some new textures and sprites including some weapons and a renewed scientist sprite.

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- Map design is very good and attractive

- Fun to play as gameplay is very good too

- Not very challenging even at UV difficulty + Brutal Doom

- I wish it was a complete 32 maps wad, But it only has 20 maps and the other 10 maps are multiplayer only maps





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It's visually an interested megawad, the map design is also nice, nice story and custom texture, challenging megawad, played with Complex Doom

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· Edited by galileo31dos01


Done with these settings:


- Crispy Doom 4.2

- Ultra-Violence.

- Continuous combined with a pistol start mindset.

- Saves every 10 minutes or so.


This is a fine story-telling megawad. Aesthetically, I don't have much to complain, the new textures, while not being the best looking, succeed in their context, and I was more fond of the second episode (newer maps) where I noticed an advance in terms of visuals. Tons of eye candies, such as frozen or burning marines, waving flags, boxes on false conveyors, portraits of monsters, and much more. All these little details are rarely seen in other wads, one just doesn't see a machine that produces cacodemons every day, that's one the funniest things I've ever seen in a Doom wad. About light variation, the author played a lot with darkness, most if not all the maps have various sections where it's quite dark to see what's going on. This can be a disadvantage against enemies, particularly hitscanners, caution is suggested in these cases, or gamma correction. However, darkness in caves was visually pleasing, personally speaking, and you'll probably deal with it better than the poor marines that hold the candles. The music selection is generally cool, but some midis are way too loud. 


On a gameplay side, unless you check the release date, this could totally pass as a wad from the 90s. What I mean is, there's clearly a focus on adventure+action, and while I'm not very familiar with old FPS games, this felt at times like playing a total conversion. Your objective is to punish the scientist for bringing hell into earth, so this guy is the new enemy, which you'll meet at many points and will teleport out of the place upon killing him. The combat is mostly incidental, a great portion are hitscanners of all sizes, plus a few traps here and there, either with monsters or things. The thing is the pistol starts, more often you'll start with shotgunners or chaingunners in front of you, which you'll have to trade guns with first, something very common in old wads. It's not always easy to find important resources, like armor or blur spheres, and ranged weapons usage is limited overall. I had no issues with grinding through tanky monsters with only hitscan weapons, but that may not be suitable for other people. About the weapons, I mostly liked the flamethrower and crossbow (plasma rifle and rocket launcher respectively), the AK47 was cool too, but the sound was kinda annoying at times. Double shotguns were awkward to use, due to the sprite frames being mirrored shotguns. Last but not least, the flamegrenades, these weren't as bad as others implied, I found them powerful, much like rockets but faster and effective at close range, perhaps they should have been way more potent, to one-shot barons or archviles for example, given they occupy the seventh slot... Anyway, the maps are built so progression goes on par with the story, there's linearity above all, but an interesting side of it is how the layouts lead the player to previously explored territories, nothing about going from one extreme to the other, except one or two maps. The rest is to recognize the switches and doors, which aren't always so obvious.


The secrets are very important, like I said before, when there are tons of hitscanners, the best shield is a blur sphere. Unfortunately, it's hard to spot a single secret in this mapset. Some are hidden behind random non-hinted walls, others via crossing certain linedefs, which then have you backtracking all the way to the start. A few maps have unreachable sectors marked as secrets for whatever reason. Whatever, no favourite maps this time, since I liked and disliked them all pretty much the same way. 


Overall, not too exciting, or recommended to everyone. I had fun probably because of playing on continuous, which made the starts more bearable against hitscan attrition. So, if anything I said above sounds good for you then try it. My rate is 6/10. 

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Summer Deep


Some unduly harsh criticism here, I feel. The gameplay is straightforward and fun, no tedious ambushes when one picks up a key, no wandering around for ages looking for switches or exits. The Siberia levels seemed fine to me, and excessive darkness wasn't really a problem. The replacement weapons aren't the greatest though, especially the grenades.

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This was has something that no other wad does. Can tell what it this. To be honest - I love it. Design is mostly interesting and good-looking. Not bad ideas. I also like guns - yes even the granade whatnot. But I'm not much impressed with ammo... There is not enough ammo...

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Typical enthusiastic techie-made mapset with some nice technical tricks. Maps have mostly simple basic layouts with lots of decoration, texture use & ambiance are not bad but need more variation. Too many parts are way too dark. Author should have spent much more time on play testing, because 1) gameplay is overall meh, and 2) some maps have severe gameplay logic bugs. Overall: solid 3, ok, small 4*, mostly for the effort, but it was difficult to play it out due to the increasing boredom.

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· Edited by NuMetalManiak


I've never seen the Scientist 1, but the Scientist 2 was an attempt at making a somewhat competent megawad. only 20 maps, with 10 being deathmatch only at the end. the biggest issue I have is that this wasn't really a pistol-start friendly mapset. it has some good combat in spades, and the settings are fantastic, but you'll probably scrounge for supplies if you pistol start. the music apparently takes after Dream Theater and some group called Ocean's Edge among others. there's quite a bit of peculiarity here that goes with its 2005-esque feel. special mention goes to some of the secrets, where you'll be finding random walls that do random things elsewhere in the map. MAP19 was a highlight, with the weird Easter Island type heads and the sector elephant. yes, a sector elephant.


now pistol start is hard enough, the changes to the weapons is also a minus. some are mere sprite replacements, though admittingly I liked the dual-wield shotguns for the SSG sprite replacement. the PG replacement has short range and sucks, but the BFG replacement is next to useless. the titular scientist is an antagonist, and his role is to harass at certain levels, with the final confrontation having him act similar to a cyberdemon instead of the Wolf3D SS. other than that, mostly vanilla gameplay. a few nasty moments to look out for like chaingunners and such. it's pretty average but marred down by its supply shortages.

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Good mapset,but should be more sp maps.5/5

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Unknown date

Levels 12-20 look quite good and have some interesting locales, but there's some problems with the gameplay. The levels are way too dark at many places, the level progression is often confusing and illogical, and the new weapons mostly suck. Still, it's worth playing (and keeping). 3/5

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Unknown date

OMFG! Scientist 2! If I'd known this was coming, it would have figured in my "most eagerly anticipated wads" list for sure.

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Unknown date

gameplay is often ruind by stuped instint kill traps, 2/5

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Unknown date

It's good looking and fun to play, except for two evils: many dark areas and fucking chaingunners in every new area, who fire at you before you even notice them. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it very much. 4.5/5 -Milian

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Unknown date

4/5. Great levels. Suxx new weapons and story.

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Unknown date

I liked it, it was pretty darn good. 4 Stars -PC

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Unknown date

An overlooked gem.

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Unknown date

I like this. Good work! ~Joe Anderson

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Unknown date

The maps up to and then following the snow missions are quite fun and interesting, but those snow missions are almost entirely worthless. The music ranges from cool to what the fuck am i hearing.mid. A decent set if you skip the accurately portrayed siberia chapter. (the joke is it's miserable and featureless)

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Unknown date

Cool - will we ever see a Scientist 3 ?

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Unknown date

That was SOMETHING ;) 4,5/5 coz there were some little gameplay issues, but great anyway ;)

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Unknown date

Good maps in a predominantly real-world-ish style. I personally found the rather off-beat story in the text to be amusing but was disappointed that the in-game texts didn't do more with it. As said before the new weapons suck for the most part. The flame grenades are useless and the rest are mostly ugly reskins of the standard weapons. Only the flamethrower was kind of cool. Also the scientist sometimes makes demon growls in the final battle. 4/5

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Unknown date

The levels are fine. The only problem is flamegrenade - avoid to use it. It is almost impossible to write a portable demo with the flamegrenade. :-(

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Unknown date

hehe funny story :) Flow is very good, but I didn't find the gameplay to be engaging. Probably because the wad doesn't try to be scary or immersive, rather just something fun, unintimidating and plaintative. I seriously think that with a few tweaks this could have been a commercial release... back in 1994 lol. Great work. 5/5

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Unknown date

I'm not a big fan of the new weapons, but the levels are pretty cool.

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Unknown date

This has gotten nowhere near the recognition it deserves. The most fun I've had in vanilla DOOM in a long, long time. However, yeah, most of the new weapons are kinda meh.

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Unknown date

The locals and setting deserve a big fat five alone, and the gameplay makes this thing a must have. Certainly one of the best megawads out there!

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
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      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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