Text File
Uploaded by : Graham Burgess (GKBurgess at compuserve dot com)
Advanced engine needed : None
Primary purpose : Single play
Game : Doom2
Filename : alsdoom.wad
Date : 07/10/96
Title of Level 1 : Imp Hatchery
Copyright @1996 by Al Howe
Title of level 2 : The Arena
Copyright @1996 by Al Howe
Author : Al Howe
E-mail Address : al@winteractive.com
Web Page : http://www.webdragon.com
Other Files by Author : alsdm2.wad - great Deathmatch levels
Additional Credits : My family for their patience.
: Steve Wilson and Billy "Blaze" Price for helping me
playtest these and all my other levels.
: All the authors for all the editors and other
utilities I used for creation.
: Everyone at Id Software for allowing people like
me to create my own world! Not to mention a great
Description of Level 1 : Have you ever wondered where Imps come from? This
level answers that question and more. In this
level you will find the Blood Pools, runoff from
the River Acheron. At certain times Imps are
spawned right out of this tainted blood. You will
also find their guardians. This level is meant to
be level 14 of my expected 32 level WAD.
With several ambushes and puzzles, this level is
the best single level I've ever seen. I hope you
enjoy it - lots of work went into its creation.
Its appearance ranks a 10.
Try starting with just the pistol and see how far
you can get. On Ultraviolence, it ranks an 8 for
hardness. I can do it with 3 100%'s and 200%-200%
health and armor in about 25 minutes.
This level is a great 1-player, co-op, and
deathmatch level. You won't find better.
Description of Level 2 : In the center of Hell, you find yourself in the
middle of a great arena. You will need to use all
your wits to get through this level alive. Remember
your strongest weapon is the monsters themselves.
This level contains several great looking rooms, and
several of them require battle plans to get through
alive. This level is meant to be level 16 of my
expected 32 level WAD.
With several ambushes and puzzles, this level is
the second best level I've ever seen. I hope you
enjoy it - lots of work went into its creation.
Its appearance ranks a 9.
Try starting with just the pistol and see how far
you can get. On Ultraviolence, it ranks a 9 for
hardness. I can do it with 3 100%'s and OK health
and armor in about 45 minutes.
This level is a great 1-player, co-op, and
deathmatch level. It's a little big for 2-player
deathmatch though. But it's still fun.
Instructions : Put ALSDOOM.WAD in your DOOM 2 directory, type
"doom2 -file alsdoom.wad -warp 1 -skill <#>"
Yes, it really is that easy!
If you want to go straight to the arena, type
"-warp 2" instead of "warp 1".
Disclaimer : I'm sorry if these levels cause you any problems,
but I'm not responsible for any problems you might
experience related to the use of these levels.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01 and Map02
Single Player : Yes : Tested fully
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes : Tested fully
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes : Tested fully
Difficulty Settings : All
New Music : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : 2-3 months for Map01
3-4 months for Map02
Editor(s) used : DoomEd for sector creation until it started crashing
DMapEdit for everything else until it started
DCK for the finishing touches and builds
Other Utilities : DOOM II by id Software
RMB 2.1 by Jens Hykkelbjerg (made them faster)
NWT 1.3 by TiC (exporting and importing music)
Known Bugs : Both maps used to get visplane overflow, but this
has been fixed on both maps.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this WAD as inspiration for other WADs, but you may NOT
modify this WAD. If you think any changes need to be made, please Email me
If you distribute this WAD, you MUST distribute this WAD with NO
modifications, and with this text file included. You MUST distribute these
files, in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc), for NON-PROFIT
purposes. (For instance, you may include it on a CD that comes free with a
book or magazine.)
You MAY NOT distribute this WAD on any commercially released CD collection,
any shareware CD, or any other CD for which you charge a fee of any
sort without my prior permission.
* Other WADs recommended by the Author *
- Try all the WADs listed on my web page.
- They will beat any other WAD.
- If you still want more, send me Email.
- Be careful, there's a lot of bad WADs out there, good luck.