Text File
Uploaded by : Graham Burgess (GKBurgess at compuserve dot com)
Advanced engine needed : None
Primary purpose : Single+Coop play / Deathmatch
Game : Doom2
Filename : alsdm2.wad
Date : 07/11/96
Title of Level 1 : The Octagon
Copyright @1996 by Al Howe
Title of level 2 : Living Level
Copyright @1996 by Al Howe
Title of level 3 : Spaceship
Copyright @1996 by Al Howe
Author : Al Howe
E-mail Address : al@winteractive.com
Web Page : http://www.webdragon.com
Other Files by Author : alsdoom.wad - The Greatest DOOM2 Levels of All Time!
Additional Credits : My family for their patience.
: Steve Wilson and Billy "Blaze" Price for helping me
playtest these and all my other levels.
: All the authors for all the editors and other
utilities I used for creation.
: Everyone at Id Software for allowing people like
me to create my own world! Not to mention a great
Description of Level 1 : An octagonal room with some stairs and lifts - How
hard can it be?
Simple by my usual standards, but fun for everyone.
Easy to lose someone and come around behind him.
Its appearance ranks a 6.
On 1-player, try starting with just the pistol
and see how far you can get on Ultraviolence.
It ranks a 6 for hardness.
This level is fun 1-player or co-op. But it is a
GREAT deathmatch level.
Description of Level 2 : The Living Level is an amazing level. You have
to play it to believe it! There are lots of
platforms that seem to move with a mind all their
own. There is also a stairs and altar floating
out in space, and a lift that takes you to a
teleport that floats. You have to see them! The
rooms look cool too - lost of work.
Hope you have fun...
This level is fun and challenging - try to get
through it in 1-player! In multiplayer, it's easy
to use the platforms to help you, but it's also
easy to have them hurt you. I hope you have fun
discovering all the intricasies of this level. :)
Its appearance ranks a 9.
Starting with pistol on Ultraviolence,
It ranks a 7 for hardness.
This level is great 1-player and co-op, and an
amazing deathmatch level - one of my favorites.
Description of Level 3 : Your spaceship has been invaded by monsters and
zombies, can you help save it? And can you figure
out how to end the level? This level has some
great looking rooms - the Engine Room with reactor
core, the Cargo Bay, the Crew's Quarters, the
Bridge with observation room, and the Mess Hall
with a spaceship flying outside the big windows.
Yes, there really is a ship out there!
A small design and lots of fun.
Its appearance ranks an 8.
Starting with pistol on Ultraviolence,
It ranks a 3 for hardness.
This level is OK 1-player or co-op. But it is a
GREAT deathmatch level.
Instructions : Put ALSDM2.WAD in your DOOM2 directory, type
"doom2 -file alsdm2.wad -warp 1 -skill <#>"
Yes, it really is that easy!
If you want to go straight to the Living Level or
Spaceship, type "-warp 2" or "-warp 3" instead of
"warp 1".
Disclaimer : I'm sorry if these levels cause you any problems,
but I'm not responsible for any problems you might
experience related to the use of these levels.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01, Map02, and Map03
Single Player : Yes : Tested fully - fun and challenging
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes : Tested fully
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes : Tested fully - the BEST
Difficulty Settings : Sorry, not yet - but who needs to worry about
difficulty settings when playing Deathmatch.
New Music : Yes - of course
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : 4-5 hours for Map01
3-4 weeks for Map02
1-2 weeks for Map03
Editor(s) used : DoomEd for sector creation
DMapEdit for everything else
Other Utilities : DOOM II by id Software
NWT 1.3 by TiC (exporting and importing music)
Known Bugs : The Octagon used to get visplane overflow, but this
has been fixed.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this WAD as inspiration for other WADs, but you may NOT
modify this WAD. If you think any changes need to be made, please Email me
If you distribute this WAD, you MUST distribute this WAD with NO
modifications, and with this text file included. You MUST distribute these
files, in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc), for NON-PROFIT
purposes. (For instance, you may include it on a CD that comes free with a
book or magazine.)
You MAY NOT distribute this WAD on any commercially released CD collection,
any shareware CD, or any other CD for which you charge a fee of any
sort without my prior permission.
* Other WADs recommended by the Author *
- Try all the WADs listed on my web page.
- They will beat any other WAD.
- If you still want more, send me Email.
- Be careful, there's a lot of bad WADs out there, good luck.