Text File
Update to : /doom2/Ports/megawads/amdosia.zip
Advanced engine needed : limit-removing
Primary purpose : single play
Title : Armadosia The Mad Corridor v2
Filename : armadosia.wad (CRC-32: 54cf0059)
Release date : 2015-06-10
Author : arma kero
Email Address : kerabera.sith@gmail.com
Misc. Author Info : http://www.armadosia.com/
Description : Large, complex levels, with a focus on exploration
Additional Credits to : RjY and Never_Again – playtesting and bug fixing
* What is ARMADOSIA *
New levels : 32
Sounds : No
Music : No (best with PSX Doom or Doom64 soundtracks)
Graphics : Yes — textures from Shadowman (Dreamcast); Turok and
Doom64 (N64); one from Return To Castle Wolfenstein,
and many more from various free texture packs off the
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM2
Map # : MAP01-MAP32
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : 2-player
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes (UV and HMP)
* Construction *
Base : all built from scratch
Build Time : many years ... I don't know exactly .... 3 years,
I think (I started Armadosia when I was unemployed).
Editor(s) used : original — WadAuthor, WinTex, DeePsea and glBSP
update — Doom Builder 2, GZDoom Builder 1.14, DeePsea,
SLADE 3, glBSP, Zennode and RMB
Known Bugs : visplane overflows on some maps in vanilla/Choco
MAP28 requires a port with BLOCKMAP > 64K support
May Not Run With : DOOM2.EXE (see Compat section)
Tested With : Prboom-plus, Chocolate Doom(-plus), GZDoom
* What's new in Version 2 *
- Vanilla (DOOM2 v1.9) behavior compatibility for all maps
- 100% kills and secrets guaranteed from a pistol start on all maps
- "Hurt Me Plenty" skill level
- Coop starts (2-player only)
- Texture alignment and unpegged doortracks
- Two new flats to fix misaligned lights and a teleporter
- TEXTURE1 and PNAMES reworked to prevent Medusa
- non-repeating SKY3
- 31 new patches for the above
See changelog.txt for a comprehensive list of the changes.
* Compatibility *
Recommended engine: Prboom-plus with "-complevel 2"
Chocolate Doom-plus: works without issues on all maps except MAP28,
HOM over some structures at the start of MAP32 for
unknown reasons
(G)Zdoom: "Doom (strict)" compat recommended
Chocolate Doom: visplane overflows on maps 03, 10-12, 20, 21, 23 and 32;
HOM due to drawseg overflow, occasional tutti-frutti;
MAP28 unplayable
Despite not having been used for testing, Eternity, Crispy Doom and Doomsday
should have no problems as they largely preserve the original DOOM gameplay
and mechanics.
* Gameplay Notes *
Most of the maps range from large to enormous. Some may take over an hour to
complete on first try. Expect a lot of backtracking and switch hunting while
you take in the scenic views. ;)
MAP29 may look impossible to complete from scratch; however, there is a way
to exit with 100% kills and some supplies to spare.
While most maps have you start in secure locations, that's the only indulgence
you can count on. Slow starts with limited arsenal and ammo are the rule rather
than an exception. This is an Armadosia hallmark and for the most part the
update aims to preserve the original's gameplay, with the only exceptions being
maps 08 and 11 (missing weapons added) and the secret levels (severely lopsided
balance adjusted, although they are still, uhm, special).
If you feel you are getting overwhelmed or exhausted, you can now knock the
difficulty down a notch without having to descend all the way to skill 1.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites: http://www.armadosia.com/