Text File
Title : HERETIC: Dystopia Level
Filename : DYST.WAD, 411.TXT
Email Address : Adelusion@AOL.COM or Adelusion
Misc. Author Info : 26 yrs. old, 1st WAD
Description : This is my first level that I ever made. I
experimented with different things, and
it came out pretty good. The level has 4
main rooms, then you have to use some switches
to get to the other areas. There is one secret
room, which holds the Phoenix Rod, but it is
available on difficuties 1-3, in the open. The Mace
is even included on this level, don't ask! There
will be some mosh pits down there, where I have
placed all three BOSSES at. This is beatable
without cheats and you are very well supplied
with weapons and things. Check it out, and send
Additional Credits to : ScottAllyn, and other play-testers.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (May be choppy, will crash on slow computers)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (use -NOMONSTERS switch, or same as above)
Difficulty Settings : Yes, I have yet to beat it on 4-5
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2, (awesome editor), WINDUE 5.2 to
double check some things.
Known Bugs : None, that I came across, but may crash once in
a great while. Due to when you die, and w/all the
monsters on the screen.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels. But if ya really want to, send me mail asking what you want to
do with it. And if you do, please send me a copy, at- Adelusion@AOL.COM
You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact, and E-Mail me on it's where-abouts. ADELUSION@AOL.COM
* Where to get this WAD *
America Online (AOL), ???