Text File
Archive Maintainer : Please place in "utils/wad_tools" subdirectory
Update to : clnwd153.zip & clnwd153.txt
Primary purpose : This is a WAD tool -- no levels included
Title : CleanWAD V1.54
Filename : clnwd154.zip
Original release : 26th September 1995, V1.0b, by Serge Smirnov
Author : Martin Howe (based on source by Serge Smirnov)
Release Date : 10th April 2004, V1.10
Update Date : 04th May 2006, V1.54
Author : Martin Howe (a.k.a. The Crazy Cat)
Email Address : martinhowe@myprivacy.ca
Web Site : http://www.martinsobservationpost.net (personal)
Files By Author : BOMBAY72 ........... play DOOM as a true predator!
BADGUYS ............ some spare monsters and items
CLEANWAD ...... personal upgrade of an old classic
PANPERIL .......... gubbin and widget patch panels
GOODGUYS ........ special-forces environment patch
Misc. Author Info : DOOMer since 1993; Webmaster, Committee Member and
Kitten List holder for the Bombay and Asian Self
Breed Club (www.bombaybreedclub.org), which is
itself affiliated to the GCCF (www.gccfcats.org).
Webmaster and Committee Member of the London Cat
Club (www.londoncatclub.org), which is also
itself affiliated to the GCCF (www.gccfcats.org).
Description : I just took the source code of CleanWAD that was
released way back by Serge Smirnov and updated the
program for today's DOOMing standards. No longer
do you have to remind yourself to "never run a WAD
cleaner on anything with GL_* entries, BEHAVIOR
resources or BOOM colormaps, etc."!
Revision summary : Fixed non-recognition of 22050Hz sounds; vanilla
DOOM does use them in places (such as DSDBCLS).
New features :
Recognises BEHAVIOR and SCRIPTS lumps as map items
Recognises OpenGL map entries as map items
Recognises Heretic [sound,] graphic and music names
Recognises HeXen sound, graphic and music names
Recognises Strife sound, graphic and music names
Recognises BOOM colormap lists
Recognises ZDOOM ACS library lists
Recognises ZDOOM auto-texture lists
Recognises STRIFE voice lists
Recognises Heretic and HeXen graphic font lists
Optionally restricts entry identificaton to recognised names
Optionally corrects two-character list markers (PP_START -> P_START)
Optionally removes redundant list markers (e.g., F1_START, P3_END)
Optionally remove SCRIPTS and SCRIPTnn entries (often decompiled)
Optionally sorts PNAMES just after any TEXTURE lumps
Optionally attempts to recognise maps with nonstandard names
Optionally attempts to recognize DOOM and WAVE sounds by format
Optionally attempts to recognize DOOM and MIDI musics by format
Optionally attempts to recognize DOOM graphics by format
Optionally uses a specified game to minimize entry misidentification
Optionally uses other directory sortation orders than "by list"
Optionally packs the file by sharing lumps between directory entries
Completely rewritten and now using a totally new engine
Recognises an environment variable from which to take extra default options
Additional Credits to :
ID Software -- wrote DOOM and DOOM II and released the source code
Raven Software -- wrote Heretic and HeXen and released the source code
Matt Fell -- wrote The Unofficial Doom Specs
Olivier Montanuy -- gave Serge Smirnov the idea and suggested some of the design
Serge Smirnov -- the original author of CleanWAD who worked so hard on it
Loads of people -- wrote the source ports that make gaming so much better
Jacob Navia -- wrote the freeware C compiler Lcc-Win32
Reign -- for the music I mostly listened to while doing this :-)
* What is included *
New levels : None
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : CleanWAD.exe, CleanWAD.txt, Manual.txt, Sources.zip
Other files required : None
* Play Information *
Game : All (including Strife)
Map # : N/A
Single Player : N/A
Cooperative 2-4 Player : N/A
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : N/A
Other game styles : N/A
Difficulty Settings : N/A
* Construction *
Base : The original CleanWAD source code by Serge Smirnov
Build Time : A several weeks on and off including comments,
testing, documentation and a complete re-write.
Editor(s) used : EditPlus, Lcc-Win32 IDE, CygWin/GCC, WinTex
Known Bugs : See the manual for details of known problems
May Not Run With... : WAD files not from DOOM family games
* Copyright / Permissions *
The original permissions message was "You may use any part of this source
file provided you give me credit.", so the original work of Serge Smirnov is
hereby acknowledged - he put the hard work in when CleanWAD was first made.
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse
provided that you e-mail the current author a copy and give them the right to
use parts of your work in future releases. [The same ought really to be done for
the original author of CleanWAD but he seems to have totally disappeared from
the DOOM community]. You must also credit work of all previous authors and that
of the original author, Serge Smirnov. Permissions have been obtained from
original author for any of their resources modified or included in this file
(he gave permission in the original source code provided he was credited).
You MAY (and are encouraged to) distribute and use CleanWAD, provided:
(1) This entire collection of files is distributed UNMODIFIED,
preferably in the original ZIP file in which it should have come. I
have received permission from the original authors of any modified
or included content in this file to allow further distribution.
(2) The distribution is on a non-commercial basis; you may put CleanWAD
on FTP sites or CD or other media as part of a collection for which
you are charging a fee as long as you understand that the fee is for
the collecting and (if applicable) the media, *not* for CleanWAD.
(3) You accept that as with all free systems provided free of charge for
like-minded people,CleanWAD is NOT guaranteed to work completely or
correctly although it is likely to do so; thus it is a condition of
use that you accept that as with most such products, you use it at
your own risk. CleanWAD is **NOT** designed to be fault-tolerant!
(4) Any legal disputes over CleanWAD or any part of it, including these
terms and conditions, shall be governed by the Laws of England;
furthermore, you do not have permission to use CleanWAD in any
jurisdiction whose laws modify or limit these conditions unless you
VOLUNTARILY accept these conditions as if under the Laws of England.
Note: although it won't happen straight away, once I have ensured that none of
Serge Smirnov's original code is left, I will CONSIDER releasing it under GPL.
* Acknowledgements *
DOOM and DOOM2 are copyright of ID Software.
HERETIC and HEXEN are copyright of Raven Software.
STRIFE is copyright of Velocity.
CLEANWAD was written originally by Serge Smirnov.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames and mirrors.
* How to Install and Use *
For Win32, extract the ZIP file and place CleanWAD.exe in somewhere in your
path. You can put the source code and documentation files anywhere you like,
but you may wish to create shortcuts to them.
For other operating systems, compile the program then proceed as for Win32.
The program is written to ANSI 1990 standards. It has been tested on CygWin
and Mandrake Lunix as well as Windows XP Professional.
* History *
Refer to Appendix 7 in the manual (file MANUAL.TXT) for revision history.