Text File
Uploaded by : Graham Burgess (gkburgess-at_compuserve_dot-com)
Advanced engine needed : None
Primary purpose : Single play (Doom2)
¯ AV Productions ®
Title : Paradise 4, The Return To Hell
Filename : PARDISE4.WAD
Author : Mike Murphy aka (Arch-Vile)
Email Address : Mmurphy840@aol.com
Release Date : 01/12/96
Description : After the mayhem that I was just put through,
I could no longer stay in that cell I called
a home. All the blood shead, the nightmares still
haunted me. I decided to move on and start a
life elsewhere. I thought, I could take on just
about anything. Suddenly I blacked out. When I
awoke I found the back of my head to be bleeding.
Someone had knocked me unconciuos. It seems as
though I had been left for dead. A trail of blood
was in front of me. If I was going to find out
just who brought me here, I would have to follow
the trail of blood. For the trial of blood would
be my only way out.
Special Thanks to :id Software for Doom][.
:Ben Morris The author of DCK 2.2. (It's my
personal goal to convert all WadEd users
to DCK)
:The author of NWT. (Denis Moller)
:The Deathdealer (Larry) for putting in a lot of
time to beta this wad, and for making the new
BBS graphic.
:Illusion (Greg) for beta testing.
:A special thanks goes out to Crash (Bill) for
allowing me to use him as a last minute beta
tester. Bill turned out to be a very thorough
beta tester. I hope he allows me to use him
again the future.
* Wad Information *
Size in bytes : 380,948
Lindefs : 2,586
Sectors : 579
Sidedefs : 3,838
Vertices : 2063
Things : 630
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (If you want 1 frag each in a 20 min session)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes A shamless BBS plug.
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : Made from scratch
Build time : 30 Hours
Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2, NWT
Known Bugs : None. It is Perfect.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file. You may
distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc)
as long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get this WAD *
Arch-Vile's Domain BBS 510.462.7448. 1000's of Doom, Doom][ wads and
utilities. Apogee Site Distributor.