Text File
Title : 50 frags 2.0 (zdaemon friendly)
Today's Date : 11:46 PM 5/16/2006
Filename(s) : 50frags2.wad
Author : Derrick A. Allen -BloodSplatter inc.
Site : http://home.comcast.net/~dman3583/bsinc/
Email Address : dallen1983@hotmail.com
Misc. Author Info : Still working on some misc. projects, a few others will be released soon.
Description : Small deathmatch wad for lots of frags with a small group.
Additional Credits to : Authors of GothicDM 1 and 2 for 3 textures I used,
and Some sounds.
Stuff to know about : On the stair case, the 2 faces on the wall
high above, are shootable switches.
I have changed the items they produce to being just a backpack and a energy cell pack
zdaemon has some errors where the switched items are activated already and the items are already spawned on the ground which made it easy to get the bfg, This error is no longer an issue.
* Play Information *
Source Port : Zdoom version 2.0.98 and zdaemon whatever.. (see bottom of text file on where
to find it if you do not own it)
Episode and Level # : Map01
Single Player : Yes to preview the map
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 4-8 Player : Yes, but gets cluttered around 8 people
Deathmatch 8-16 Player : Sure
Difficulty Settings : no i dont think so
Skills 4-5: BFG is accessible
New Sounds : Yes (quake,gothicdm1\2,strife)
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : map09 doom2
Demos Replaced : none
* Construction *
Build Time : about a day
Base : 50frags.wad
Editor(s) used : Wadauthor 1.30,Wintex 4.3, doombuilder,xwe
Known Bugs : theres some visual glitch at an angle, and some textures arent right,
* Copyright / Permissions *
50 Frags 2.0 no bfg ©2006 BloodSplatter inc.
Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get Zdoom .98 *
* Where to get this WAD *
E-MAIL: dallen1983@hotmail.com
FTP sites:ftp.3darchives.com
BBS numbers:none
Other: random sites may have it linked.
Bloodsplatter Inc: http://home.comcast.net/~dman3583/bsinc/