Text File
The first solstock.txt didnt upload properly, as far as I cant tell. The zip and the text in the zip work fine, but for archiving purposes read this text (solstock READ THIS INSTEAD.txt) instead of solstock.txt
Check out SOLDIERSTOCKINFO.txt. for the complete list of changes from the previous version.
Title : Soldier's Stockpile (previously Marines of UAC) v1.1
Filename : soldierstock.wad
Date Finished : Monday, December 9th, 2002, 2:40 PM, EST. I was sick that day :-p
New version updated Tuesday May 30th, 2006. DURING EXAMS.
Developer : Nick Perrin
Email Address : nperrin@rsgc.on.ca
Web Page : http://www.freewebs.com/mouac
Other Releases : yes-d2m.wad(long-lost!), np_m92f.wad and MoUAC v1.0. Working on Marines of UAC epic SP mod.
Misc. Developer Info : Love DooM. Have all DooMs. Make mods. Make music.
Description : This is an update/remake of MoUAC v.1.0, renamed because my upcoming SP project has taken that name. This mod is meant for use in custom maps and map-pack wads, to "spice things up" a lot. The story elements have been removed from this release. They just cluttered things up and were damn cheesy anyway.
Essentially, it's a fun weapons MOD that features many EDGE goodies.
Additional Credits : Check out SOLDIERSTOCKINFO.txt.
* Play Information *
Required Game : DooM II or Final. Have not tested it with Doom 1/Ultimate.
Required Engine : EDGE v1.29 or newer. MAKE SURE TO ENABLE DYNAMIC LIGHTS! May run in older versions of EDGE but title screen will not work properly.
New Graphics : yes
New Sprites : yes
New Sounds : yes
New Music : yes. One new track for MAP01 only.
New Weapons : yes
New Levels : No new levels in this release, last version had a badly modified MAP01.
New Monsters : Wye, ee, ess, YES. One new guy.
Included Files : solstock.wad
(Music file is now IN the wad, OGG format)
Right-click edge32.exe or gledge32.exe(preferably use GL for the best VISUAL experience), click "create shortcut", rename the shortcut to "MOUAC"(optional, obviously), right-click the shortcut, click properties, in that window, click the shortcut tab, click in the "target" slot, and make it look like this:
C:\(your doom folder path here)\edge32.exe -file mouac.wad
C:\(your doom folder path here)\gledge32.exe -file mouac.wad
* Construction *
Base : Scratch. And scratch there please
Build Time : v1.0 -> 5 months INCLUDING testing and getting it tested by others. v1.1 -> altogether about a couple days here and there, on and off. Ambiguous.
Editor(s) used : Wintex, XWE, Sound Recorder, Wordpad, PakScape, HLmv, SprView.
Known Bugs :This version has none.
Old Bugs (not in this version):The names and pics for the guns are just custom crosshairs, and if you load a saved game their offsets will be much lower, so you probably won't be able to see them. Also if you happen to see for a fraction of a second when EDGE is starting up, a message that says it couldn't find sprite patches for certain sprites(and it will name them), do not be alarmed. This is normal and MOUAC will run normally.
Also, in newer versions of EDGE the secondary fires of weapons will be able to fire (without shooting anything) without reloading for the first time.
May Not Run With... : Anything other than EDGE v1.29 and up. It may run in older versions of EDGE but the title screen will not work properly, and non-GL versions will not show dynamic lights, such as the mp5's flashlight.
* Copyright \ Permission *
Authors MAY NOT use any part of this wad as a base to build additional wads.
However you may build custom maps built specifically for this wad and package them as such.
* Where to get this WAD *
http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/ (For this version, 1.1)
http://www.freewebs.com/mouac (For this version, 1.1)
http://nick_the_doomer.tripod.com/mouac (For version 1.0 only - this link may not work forever)
* Other Comments *
Stay tuned for the SINGLE-PLAYER Marines of UAC. Enjoy this in the meantime!
Nick Perrin
December 2002 & May 2006