Text File
Review : An italian twelve-level -addon with a deh-patch,
that, amoung other stuff, makes dead bodies, that
hang from the ceilings, and skulls shootable.
Cool stuff!
Primary purpose : Single+Coop play / Deathmatch
Title : The Temple of damned
Release date : 05/21/96 MM/DD/YY (Timestamp of the textfile)
Author : Paolo Tagliaferri, Montesissa Marco
Email Address : Nobody
Description : You have hardly complete the yours last mission
against stalks that you didn't know not even when
your principal have called you and place trust a
new mission. The Kalonaj sect has established a
base in the beautiful half of the Rocky mountains
and, behind to a false coverage locates one of
the biggest chemical fittings of the country. The
sect has in mind the destruction of the planet.
You have heard that the chemical radioactive
agents of the zone have contaminated the
belonging to the sect and have transformed them
in abominable monsters. A complete brigade has
been order to destroy the base, but it is not
returned. Births and armed only of the yours
faithful Beretta enters the sanctuary. For
fortune a last message sended from the brigade
has informed us that to the entrance of the
sanctuary there is two hostile telereporter that
activated, they free an ENORMOUS quantity of
Notes by the uploader : This add-on came originally with an installation
program, that got lost during it's way to me. But
that doesn't matter. It's still nicely playable.
Like a lot of other WAD makers, the creators of
TEMPLE2.WAD have used the status bar from
INVADE1.WAD by Andy Chen and Claude Martins.
But they missed to include the STARMS -graphic,
so the status bar was messed up in single player
mode. Because of that, i included the missing
graphic in starms.wad. Look at the play
instructions, to see how to use that.
The DeHackEd patch, that comes with this WAD, was
created with DeHackEd v. 2.2 and (apparently)
DooM2 v. 1.666. Because that binary patch was not
usable with modern source ports, i converted it
to the modern text-based format. It can now be
used with DooM2 v. 1.9 and dehacked 3.1 and also
with source-ports, that support the use of
deh-patches via the -deh parameter.
The original binary deh-patch is included in
People from italy can read the WAD info in their
mother-language in README.ITA.
* What is included *
New levels : 12 (Editing of the levels: Paolo Tagliaferri)
Sounds : Yes (New resounding: FX of Paolo Tagliaferri)
Music : Yes (New music: Music of Montessissa Marco
(Credits to Heretic by Raven are also due))
Graphics : Yes (New graphics: to care of Montesissa Marco
and Paolo Tagliaferri)
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes (Editing Doom2.exe: Paolo Tagliaferri)
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : If you play with plain vanilla DooM, you will
need Deusf (comes with deutex) and DeHackEd.
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM2
Map # : MAP01 MAP02 MAP03 MAP04 MAP05 MAP06
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for
Other game styles : No
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
See wadwhatoutput.txt for more information.
How to play : # Source ports: #
Users of most advanced source ports can use this
stuff 'out of the box', without preparation. Just
mysourceport.exe -file temple2.wad starms.wad -deh temple.deh
# Plain Vanilla DooM II: #
With plain vanilla, do this:
You have to get the latest version of DEUSF, that
comes together with DEUTEX (stored in the
directory /utils/graphics_edit/deutex/ of the
/idgames -ftp-archives, see list of mirrors
You also need DeHackEd from either
dhe30a.zip or dhe31.zip. They are stored in
utils/exe_edit/ of the /idgames -ftp-archives.
Now place deusf.exe and dehacked.exe in your
DooM2-directory together with the wads and
deh-patch from tempdamn.zip.
Now type:
deusf -join temple2.wad starms.wad
(That will add the missing status bar graphic to
... and then type:
dehacked -load temple.deh
and accept dehacked's question, if it may create
'doomhack.exe' as the patched executable, with
'y' (for 'Yes').
You can now launch the add-on by typing:
doomhack -file temple2.wad
* Construction *
Base : Nothing
Build Time : Much
Editor(s) used : DEU 2, NWT, Dehacked
Known Bugs : Nobody
* Copyright / Permissions *
The new levels the graphics and the music could not be used from other
persons for the construction of new levels or for the modification of
the ones. The musics could not be drawn out from this WAD, as like the
The doom2.exe altered cannot be used being for the construction of
other levels
TEMPLE2.WAD can be distribuited with any kind of electronic distribution
(CD, Diskettes, BBS) without do any modifycation and alleging this file.
This level is free of charge.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The mirrors of the /idgames -ftp-archives:
The upload-server of the /idgames-archives is:
But please use the above listed mirrors for your downloads.
Submitted to the /idgames-ftp-archives by FunDuke --> funduke@hotmail.com
The review at the beginning of this template has been written by FunDuke.
Many thanks to S. Oliver for giving me this cool stuff.