Text File
Review : WORMS to kill. Funny! :)
Primary purpose : Graphics and sound change, but also for
Single+Coop play / Deathmatch
Title : Worms Doom.
Filename : worms.wad wormslev.wad wormsht.wad
Release date : 09/30/98 MM/DD/YY (Timestamp of the latest
file in the original zip)
Author : Luke Hastie
Lh Software - The God of Hell & Fire
Email Address : -
Other Files By Author : -
Misc. Author Info : 'When he says bow, you bow, or you get gibbed'
Description : Worms.wad replaces the player, the former human,
the chaingun enemy and the cyber demon with the
slimy but cute fighters from team17's game WORMS.
The lost soul is now a sheep. There have also
been the status bar face and title screen
wormslev.wad is a worms-themed DooM2-level for
use with these new characters.
wormsht.wad makes the hand, that holds the
shotgun, wormish pink.
Note by the uploader : Originally came all graphics and sound in
WORMS.WAD and only the level (MAP01) in
WORMS1.WAD. I changed that. Now are the graphics,
that are related to the level, together with it
in one wad. The rest is now playable with any
other doom level, without changing the appearence
of the levels with inappropriate textures.
Since the shotgun hand was the only changed one,
i put it in a separate wad, to make the game not
change from handshoe to worm hand. It's more
consistent. Use the shotgun worm hand or not,
that's your decision.
To summarize it: All the stuff, that came in the
original zip-package is still in this package.
Only the data management has changed.
Additional Credits to : team17
* What is included *
New levels : 1
Sounds : Yes
Music : No
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : Vanilla users need deusf, to make worms.wad playable.
To do that, type:
deusf -app worms.wad
To put the whormshotgunhands into worms.wad, type:
deusf -join worms.wad wormsht.wad
To put the level intpo worms.wad, type:
deusf- join worms.wad wormslev.wad
-- Of course, advanced source port users can
play with the wads, as they are.
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM / DOOM2 / Final DooM
Map # : MAP01
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for
Other game styles : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes
See wadwhatoutput.txt for more information.
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch, modeled after the characters by
team17 (the sounds are from the game).
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may edit it, But plez give me some creadit in the readme.txt,
Thats all I ask for.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The mirrors of the /idgames -ftp-archives:
The upload-server of the /idgames-archives is:
But please use the above listed mirrors for your downloads.
Submitted to the /idgames-ftp-archives by FunDuke --> funduke@hotmail.com
The review at the beginning of this template has been written by FunDuke.
Thanks to S. Oliver, for giving me this stuff.