Text File
Review : This tool converts DooM and DooM2 wads to
It's probably most interesting for people with
technical or historical interests and nostalgia
obsessions, like me :).
It has been created in 1995, so, if you use it,
you should maybe better prefer to try it with
plain vanilla WADs. Of course, you can try it,
but don't expect perfect results from using this
on a nowadays wad, created for zdoom or other
source ports.
Primary purpose : No levels included
Title : DM1toHT1.EXE v1.0 32-bit
(a Multi-Level DOOM I & II to HERETIC Converter)
Filename : DM1TOHT1.EXE
Release date : 11.Jun.1995
Author : David L. Davis aka SpottedTiger
Email Address : SpottedTiger@yahoo.com
Homepage : http://spottedtiger.tripod.com/
Other Files By Author : amok11t.zip amok2_11.zip dm1todm2.zip
Description : Multi-Level DOOM I&II to Heretic Converter
Converts Single/Multi-Level 'DOOM' PWADs
and changes all MAPs, MUSIC, WALL Textures,
and Graphic PATCHES quickly to 'HERETIC'.
(* Requires HERETIC Registered *)
[Note by the uploader:]
This program does not run on Win32. But DosBox
works fine.
You might need to do some additinal editig with a
level editor, to make the conversion result work
properly. Customizing DM1TOHT1.DAT is most
definitely a good idea. Another very good idea is
to read and understand dm1toht1.doc completely.
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Compiler used : Borland C/C++ v4.02
and the Borland PowerPack v1.0
May Not Run With : WIN32 (but works with DosBox)
Tested With : DosBox
* Copyright / Permissions *
Note by the uploader : Please respect the original author's rights, if
you use this on wad's, that have been created by
others. Redistribute modified work of other
people only, when they clearly allow that in the
copyright issues section of their textfiles.
* DOOM and DOOM II are registered trademarks of id Software.
* HERETIC is registered trademark of Raven & id Software.
* 32RTM.EXE, DPMI32VM.OVL, and WINDPMI.386 are copyrighted by Borland Intl.,
and in accordance with the "No Nonsense License" may be redistributed with
DM1toHT1.EXE, but not separated from DM1toHT1.exe for any reason!.
* DM1toHT1 (c) 1995 was created by David L. Davis.
DM1toHT1 is NOT an id Software or Raven Software product.
DM1toHT1 is FREE and may be used as you wish, without restrictions!
You MAY distribute this Program, provided you include all files, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (InterNet, BBS, Diskette, CD, and Etc.) and in any environment
(Retail, ShareWare, Users Group, and Etc.) as long as you include these
files intact.
DM1toHT1 v1.0 32-bit was designed to handle most of the Basic Multi-Level
and Single Level PWADs found in nearly every BBS's Game Section. I've
tested it against 20 of the largest PWADs with great results, but I give
no guarantees ...after all its FREE, what do you want for nothing!!
Use DM1toHT1 at your own risk. Anything you do with DM1toHT1 is your
responsibility, and not the author's. Any damage caused to any person,
computer, software, hardware, company, or business by running DM1toHT1
is your responsibility, and the author will not be liable.
If you don't understand these terms, or are not sure of something, or
are afraid something bad might come of using DM1toHT1, don't use it!
You are here forewarned.
The author of DM1toHT1 will not provide support other than this
The author of DM1toHT1 reserves the right to add or remove any
functionality of the DM1toHT1 software.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
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But please use the above listed mirrors for your downloads.
Submitted to the /idgames-ftp-archives by FunDuke --> funduke@hotmail.com
The review at the beginning of this template has been written by FunDuke.