Text File
important game notice: 1. your computer needs at least 800 Mhz for optimal gameplay
2. to play this wad you need a source port like zdoom, doomlegacy,...
3. this level is for Doom 1 and Ultimate Doom
Title : Das Labor
Filename : Das Labor v2.wad
Author : Hannes Müller
Email Address : Deeforce@T-Online.de
Misc. Author Info : Build Time: 330 hours
Created: 4.July.2005
Other: It`s the treatment of my first Doomlevel called "Das
Labor v1.wad".
Description : It is a big area with many rooms, doors and teleporters. The
graphical details are very great! There are lights and
connection to many rooms, so it doesn't look clumsy! The
monsters and weapons are also placed in a very optimal way. This
causes high gamefun!
Story : An alien invasion has begun against the earth. They came from
space and conquered the station of the researchers last month. Our
Marine-Troop were land there, but all were killed. Now we need
you to conquer the station back. You have to stop them in the
Laboratory or the aliens will conquer other stations and at the
end the whole earth!
Additional Credits to : Creators of Ultimate Doom, DeePsea
Episode and Level # : E1M1 (Level 1: Das Labor)
Single Player : yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : yes
Difficulty Settings : you can choose...
New Sounds : none
New Graphics : none
New Music : jes, the main theme from "Duke Nukem 3d"
Base : New level from scratch
Editor used : DeePsea v11.83
Known Bugs : /
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.