Text File
Title : Skulltag Community LMS Project Version 3
Filename : stlmsV3.wad
Date Finished : March 4th, 2007
Authors : Various
E-Mail : rottking@sbcglobal.net
Web Page : None
Other Levels By Author : None
Description : 18 maps by 12 authors, all themed for LMS. The maps are
FFA-compatible and should we played with at
least 4 players, some maps can handle even
over 8!
Additional Credits : Tom_D for the STLMS18 idea.
Carnevil for Skulltag.
Bruce Willis.
* Play Information *
Source port : Skulltag 97c2 or higher
Map : STLMS01 - STLMS18
Single Player : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch : Yes
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : Yes
New Music : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
Demos Replaced : None
Other Game Styles : Yes
* Construction *
Base : Scratch (except for STLMS11)
Build Time : A little over a month.
Editors used : Doom Builder, Deepsea, XWE, WadAuthor
Known Bugs : None known of.
* Map list *
STLMS01: "Camanis" by RottKing
STLMS02: "Hell and Metal" by Submerge/Nautilus
STLMS03: "Taboo Turf" by Jehar
STLMS04: "Bio-Nightmare" by DD_133 aka Aguni aka Doppelganger
STLMS05: "Alpha Prospect" by Mephisto
STLMS06: "Green Pestilence" by Nautilus
STLMS07: "Flatline Technologies" by Th0r aka Foilchewer aka Syrinoth
STLMS08: "Temple of Yiff" by RottKing
STLMS09: "Phasing Night" by Mephisto
STLMS10: "Frozen Sanctuary" by Zap610
STLMS11: "The Rig" by Cutman aka Cutmanmike aka JERKFACE!
STLMS12: "Tango Sector" by Blackfish
STLMS13: "Ruins of Vertigone" by Mechadon
STLMS14: "The Factory" by Zap610
STLMS15: "LOL SATAN" by Shaikoten
STLMS16: "Swordfell" by RottKing
STLMS17: "Crate City USA" by RottKing
STLMS18: "Tom D's Dome Of DOOM" by Cutman/Mephisto
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional
levels. You may distribute this WAD in any format
(Internet, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get this Wad?
http://www.gamers.org or any other mirrors.