About This File
This Doom 2 PWAD replaces MAP01 or Level 1, This is made with the deathmatch modem/network player in mind. What this level really is, is just one huge fighting ARENA with lots of hiding places, not to mention, lots of monsters. The object of the level is not to finish it but to blow your buddy out of the wild blue yonder!
That's it Enjoy, and remeber this level is iNSANE very tough to finish, but yes it could be finished, WITHOUT CHEATING, if you know the right hiding place's just watch and enjoy ;) <-[HiNT]
That's it Enjoy, and remeber this level is iNSANE very tough to finish, but yes it could be finished, WITHOUT CHEATING, if you know the right hiding place's just watch and enjoy ;) <-[HiNT]