Text File
Advanced engine needed : GZDoom 1.1.0 or newer
Primary purpose : No levels included
Title : "Wizardry 2"
Filename : wizardr.wad
Release date : 15.06.08
Author : zer0 (aka Jekyll Grim Payne aka Ashigaru)
Email Address : jekyllgrim@gmail.com
Other Files By Author : runngun2.wad, equilibrium.wad, kyragem.wad,
termi950.wad and a number of others
Description : my new weapon mod based on previous "Wizardry",
which is based on Harry Potter books and movies,
in this mod you can use a wand and a number of
well-known spells from HP
Additional Credits to : Tvaa (gave me idea about wand sparks)
* What is included *
New levels : 'None'
Sounds : Yes
Music : No
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : Decorate, GZDoom dynamic lights
Other files required : None
* Play Information *
Game : Doom
Map # : any
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for
Other game styles : None
Difficulty Settings : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : about a week ("Wizardry") and 3 days
("Wizardry 2")
Editor(s) used : XWE 1.17, Photoshop CS2, Sound Forge 6.0
Known Bugs : Accio spell not always works properly, as well as
Accendio; some spells when missed afterwards hit
the enemy which approached the point where missed
spell hit; Patronus may stuck in some places
May Not Run With... : old GZDoom
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have
received permission from the original authors of any modified or included
content in this file to allow further distribution.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
Web sites: www.ashigaru-rostov.narod.ru
* Additional Mod Description *
In addition to wand you also have almost useless mace, but wand is the main weapon.
There's no weapon changing animation, so you'd better use 'Alternative Hud' in order
to watch which charm is selected.
Color sparks on the end of the wand will help you to see which spell is selected.
You can mix Protego with ExpectoPatronum or Insendio with Imperio, as their sparks
look similar, but more powerful spells have much more sparks.
There's only one type of ammo - mana, though there are many different mana potions of
various sizes.
1: Mace one-handed weak mace
1: Protection Charm (Protego) creates a shield for a short time which
protects you from most attacks and reflects
alt-attack: Finish it (Finite) removes shield immediately (you should point
your wand on it)
2: Stoppage Curse (Impedimenta) this curse may stop for 15 seconds most
enemies (the stronger enemy is the lower
the chance is)
3: Reductor Curse (Reducto) this curse makes a powerful immediate hit,
like a very good pistol
4: Slashing Curse (Sectumsempra) powerupful curse which performs horizontal
slash and splits enemies apart
5: Explosive Curse (Expulso) performs powerful explosion in the point of
6: Inflaming Curse (Insendio) very powerfup but short distance curse which
turns your wand into flamethrower; careful,
it may burn you as well if you run forward
towards the fire
7: Petrification Curse (Petrificus this curse freezes enemies for a whole
Totalus) minute, has better inficting chance than
Impedimenta and can freeze multiple
enemies at once
8: Imperius Curse (Imperio) unforgivable Imperius Curse makes enemies
fight for you, but strong-willed enemies
may resist it
9: Patronus Charm (Expecto Patronum) it calls summons your personal protector
Patronus, which is immaterial and
invulnerable and can slash enemies
very fast, but every second of Patronus's
life costs 3 mana (let alone 50 mana
to summon it)
alt-attack: Finish it (Finite) removes Patronus (you don't have to point
your wand on it, it can be anywhere)
0: Pulling Charm (Accio) with Accio you may pull any items to you,
alt-attack: Self-Push charm (Accendio) with Accendio you can push yourself
forward (especially effective when
Attacking Curses (Reducto, Sectumsempra, Expulso and Insendio) also have non-verbal
variants (alternative attacks), which are almost twice weaker, but faster, as you
don't have to pronounce the incantation.
Zombies are replaces with enemy mages - weakest use Reducto, medium ones use weakened
Sectumsempra, and the strongest ones use Insendio - beware of these guys in close range!!
Arch-Vile takes only 10% of damage from Inflaming Curse and is very good at
resisting Imperius Curse.
Revenant and Arachnotron are especially good at resisting Stoppage Curse as they
have almost no flesh, but Petrification Curse is still quite effective.
Bosses resist almost all special curses, however Cyberdemon has a tiny chance to be
petrified and Spider Mastermind has a tiny chance to be possessed by Imperius Curse.
///// RUS /////
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