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   (46 reviews)


About This File

10x multiplies the amount of doom enemies by, you guessed it, 10. Enemies explode into multiples of ten as soon as the map starts. Due to collision problems, you are able to walk through monsters. Most monsters projectiles pass through each other, making it harder. Ammo on the map is also timesed by ten. Don't try this on NUTS maps! The WAD was based on a Serious Sam mod called Parse Error.

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Unknown date

Very good idea! Only problem is that you need a wad with a low enemy count. 4/5

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Unknown date

rofl that would be awesome if this could work on strife

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Unknown date

This is insane, but original. Giving ten times the amount of monsters doesn't sound too bad on paper but I tried this and holy shi... On easier settings it's tough but anything over skill 2 is almost impossible! Me and a coop buddy tried this on skulltag survival and it's a fun challenge! Check it out.

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Unknown date

This is a pretty interesting thing. I can't imagine playing through an episode like this because I don't have the patience to kill at least 10 of every monster to appear, but it's still pretty fun to screw with, at least for a little while.

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Unknown date

Makes doom actually challenging again.

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Unknown date

really fun and adds replay value to any wad

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Unknown date

Excellent mod. Makes normal 'boring' doom maps like Hell Revealed! What it does to hell revealed, Makes them unplayable unless your actually good at doom, (or play at I'm to young to die). Heh. Gonna try it with Hell Revealed+Scalliano' s 667 Shuffle+Rpg Addon I made for that mod. Wish me luck. I can't gaurantee anything but a quick death however. But I am a Doom God, so....

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Unknown date

Heh heh... I've tried it with Hell Revealed 2 and it was a NIGHTMARE!!!! I died like 5 times on the first level and going up 1 death each level up.

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Unknown date

Suddently surviving MAP01 on "Hurt me Plenty" is nearly impossible! It's just a decorate lump, but the code does it's job very well with a few bugs here and their. "Do not try this on nuts maps!" LOL 4/5 -r_rr

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Unknown date

A pretty tough yet different type of wad. I'll give this a 4/5, if I get bored and don't feel like playing something else I might just play this instead :P Good work!-Candle M

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Unknown date

Validly insane. 4/5

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Unknown date

Try this on nuts.wad :P

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Unknown date

Try playing this with nuts 3. Can you survive 126,170 monsters?

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Unknown date

Ha. This is a simple idea that's fun and interesting for a short while. The fact that you can walk through the monsters helps the gameplay a bit, because you can often run away, but it's still maddeningly hard - Map29 becomes a Deus Vult-style hellfest, E4M1 is hilarious. On the whole it's the kind of thing you load up once or twice to see what it's like, and then you never play it again. But oh, that magic feeling.

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Unknown date

OMG lost souls are now 10x more annoying

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Unknown date

hey! do map30 on this wad with no cheat, and try to surviv for 10 mins! its so cool as the Icon of Sin throws the cubes! booboobooboobooboobo obooom!

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Unknown date

I can't imagine now how the 100x will be. 4/5 - Optimus

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Unknown date

Just for the hell of it, I tried this with the original Nuts.wad, running in GZDoom. It ran at about one frame every two to three minutes on my modest PC, with each frame appearing at an ever-greater interval. I hope that one day, perhaps in the far future, someone tries this with Deus Vult, and posts a video to YouTube.

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Unknown date

Meh. It's funny for a little bit but then it gets old fast.

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Unknown date

E1M8, E2M8, E3M8. The end. 5/5.

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Unknown date

Blimey...'tis a pity this doesn't work with Strife. D:

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Unknown date

This was a nightmare on nuts.wad.. fun nonetheless!

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Unknown date

^^^scalliano's 667 mod sucks! anyway this wad is good, 4/5! cutmanmike = win

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Unknown date

Quote:Don't try this on NUTS maps![\Quote] Heh... i know...Original nuts has like 100k enemies. I tried 10x with NUTS... its like 10000million enemies... my computer crashed :'D

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Unknown date

lol i cant complete a single map now

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