Text File
* Doom II Save 1.71 *
* ***************** *
* By: Nicholas Barnard *
* Prodigy: BVUA23C *
* Internet: ah646@dayton.wright.edu *
Ever wish you could have more than 6 saved games for Doom II or Did you wish
it was easier to keep track of which saved game goes with which wad? Well
Now there's Doom II Save, a batch file that gives you 600 possible saved
What you need:
Find and Replace v1.0 (Included) Find and Replace is Copyrighted (C) 1993
XCopy (Included with most current versions of DOS)
Packing List:
D2SAVE.DOC - This File
PACKING.LST - A list of all files that should be included
INSTALL.EXE - A program to install Doom2Save
INST.EXE - A file used during installation
INSTALL.INI - A file used during installation
PACK1.PRG - Another resource file used during installation
How to Install:
1. UnZip to D2SAV171.ZIP file into a directory
2. Type install after you change to the directory.
3. You MUST install Doom2Save into the X:/DOOM/GAMES directory where X is
the drive DOOM in installed on.
4. If you want to save the current saved Doom Games select the set you
want and find the line in the D2SAVE.BAT file that has :xx where
xx is the saved game set you want, to save you games to. Then add a
REM in front of the next DEL *.DSG line. Run Doom Save selecting the
saved game set you just selected. Then remove the REM that you added
to the DEL *.DSG line.
Note: Doom II Save just deletes the Saved games in the C:\DOOM2 directory
and as a result, any saved games saved while running not Doom Save may
be lost. I recommend using only Doom Save to play Saved games with Doom.
How to Use:
To start Doom change to the C:\DOOM2\GAMES directory and start Doom Save
by typing D2SAVE followed by the program you use to start Doom, in
the C:\DOOM2 directory. Then select the Set of saved games you want to
use. There are 100 sets (00-99) available.
Note: That you must type all numbers in 2 digits (i.e. 01 instead of 1)
Note: You cannot use the Backspace (Delete Key) See technical Info for
More information.
If you would like another menu to come up instead of the one that currently
comes up just save the menu in the file MENU.MEN in the \DOOM2\GAMES directory.
If you have Doom II installed in a directory such as: C:\GAMES\DOOM2 you must
use SUBST to use Doom II Save that comes with Dos 6.x. Refer to you DOS manual
on how to use SUBST or type SUBST /? at any prompt.
This Batch file is Freeware, please distribute freely! But include all
the files on the Packing list, and distribute as D2SAVxxx.ZIP (or
D2SAVxxx.LHA, D2SAVxxx.ARJ, or D2SAVxxx.ARC) where xxx is the Version
I tried to compile D2SAVE.BAT into a COM file but it seemed too large
for all of the compilers I tried. If you find a compiler that will
compile D2SAVE.BAT correctly let me know.
Feel free to Modify Doom II Save and Distribute. But, You must distribute
it as Freeware and provide a list of changes, update the version number,
and your name. Also please forward a list of changes (bugs fixes) to me.
BBS's may add their Ad's to this file. But, I must ask that each BBS
only have 1 ad a piece. It annoys me to find BBS's that have more than
1 ad.
Technical Info:
Don't worry if you don't understand this. Its not necessary to.
All this batch file does is copy the Saved Games made by Doom, to the
C:\DOOM2\GAMES directory. But, it renames the files. The format is on
the next line:
Where ## is the set Number and * is the saved game number.
When you select the saved game set you are actually using 2 choice
commands, one for the tens digit and one for the ones digit.
Version History:
V1.0 Written By: Nicholas Barnard. Based on DoomSave 2.0 for Doom.
Released to public.
V1.5 Revised By: Nicholas Barnard. Based on DoomSave 2.5 for Doom.
Released to public.
V1.7 Revised By: Nicholas Barnard. Based on DoomSave 2.7 for Doom. Removed
the need for Bebe, and changed the install program.
V1.71 Revised By: Nicholas Barnard. A Small bug fix in the install program.