Text File
updated 6/7/09
FILE ID: m_mega5
Thank you for downloading the ( 3 MAP VERSION ) of MEGA5 !
-oo+` .++++ -//:/+++:::::::::-` .-::/::://++/` .:+++.
+oo+` -+ooo/ `` +oo- .:+/-.`` `.` `://-ooo`
:o+oo+. ./o//oo. `.-oo+........` .+o/` `````` `-//-` ooo.
-oo..+oo:```-/o/.`oo+ -:/ooo:::::::-. .oo+ `:::::/+++- `...:+o:...../oo/
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`+oo` ```` +oo. `ooo:--..---::. `:+oo/:----:/ooo+` `/o+` :oo+.`
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-syys- :syyyo`
-yyyo` +ooooooooooo/. .syyyo
`syyo :o/``......` `syyy/
/yys` `o+` -yyyy`
:: Classic :: syy/ /o+////::-. oyyy: :: Deathmatch ::
yyy. `::::::/+oooo/. :yyy/
syy. `.+ooo. :yyy:
+yy- `ooo: /yyy.
.yy/ :oo+` syyo
+ys. `..```````.-:+o/-` :yys.
`+yo` -::://////::.` -sys-
`/yo. -sys-
-os:` `+ss+`
`:oo:` ./ss+.
`-+o+-.` `.:+so/.
* Ok it's not really a DEMO per-say, it's 3 maps, Deathmatch onlys..
A taste of what's to come of Mega5 so stay tuned for that. ;)
I hope thats enough to get this thing hosted on another ftp host. :D
Also had to change the name to get it hosted, I guess it was like 1 letter to long etc.
So I had to name it something else instead of mega5_demo, which is what I previously
had it named. So the file name now is, dun dun duun.. m_mega5, which stands for mini-mega5.
* To be ran with Doom2.wad
* Limit removing
* Will run on any source engine that supports Doom2 minus VPO and SEG limitations
* I said Deathmatch !
Level Information:
Level : MAP01
Level name : Hot Wired
Author(s) : Mr.Rocket
Build time : 2 hours
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder, Xwe
Music : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
Authors comments : Mega 5 rockzOrs ur sOcksOrs !
Level : MAP02
Level name : Damage
Author(s) : Mr.Rocket
Build time : 2 hours
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder, Doom Builder2
Music : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
Authors comments : It burns it burns omg it burns!
Level : MAP03
Level name : Demon Scape
Author(s) : Mr.Rocket
Build time : 4 hours
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder, Doom Builder2
Music : Changed to MAP26 music from Doom2
New Graphics : None
Authors comments : Yet another little play ground from Hell !
Contact: mrrocket2001@hotmail.com
id Software for making the best game Ever!
All the source port developers for making all the awesome source ports!
Additional Credits for play tests and suggestions:
r, Croesus, Grotug, Greans, Mike Reiner
Additional information:
(( Stay tuned for more from MEGA5! ))
30-32 exciting, heart pounding, adrenaline rushing Deathmatch levels from the Megasphere series!
~ For more info visit our project forum located here: http://megasphere.forumotion.com/projects-f6/
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use these level(s) as a base to build additional
levels, nor alter these level(s) in any way, shape or form.
You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
Where to also find this wad?
It's really a demo... shhhhh!