Bobby Goetz (Cyberpunk) for assistance on the cooler parts of the wad (hey, I said I was new to wad making 8^), Gioffa for play testing and enlightful comments!! Connor, aka. Rocket Man, Gamepal for running the coolest bbs (game palace bbs), Winter, my friend and also sysop of The Playing Fields!! And ALL my other users on my BBS,who I missed,for playing my beta wad (foxer16.wad) every single day ..gezz
Text File
Title : Foxer.wad
Date Finished : March 02,1995
Author : Robert Wong
Email Address :
Other Files By Author : None
Misc. Author Info : Sysop of The Playing Fields BBS 305.819.9925
Description : This is my very first attempt to create a Deathmatch
wad. I borrowed some ideas off of a few popular DM
wads and also brainstormed myself. When the wad was
in preliminary stage, I released a *beta* of my wad
called Foxer16.wad on my BBS for my users to test
play. I had no idea is was going to be this good!!!
Finally, this release of Foxer.wad is the final
version. IMHO it is 10x better than what it was in
beta form!! PLAY IT LOUD on The Playing Fields BBS!!
Additional Credits To : Bobby Goetz (Cyberpunk) for assistance on the cooler
parts of the wad (hey, I said I was new to wad
making 8^), Gioffa for play testing and enlightful
comments!! Connor, aka. Rocket Man, Gamepal for
running the coolest bbs (game palace bbs), Winter,
my friend and also sysop of The Playing Fields!!
And ALL my other users on my BBS,who I missed,for
playing my beta wad (foxer16.wad) every single day
New Level WAD
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 01
Single Player : YES, Can you kill ALL 4 CyberDemons on Nightmare??
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No, 4 CyberDemons isn't really coop.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES! Call Playing Fields BBS for Multiplayer carnage!
New Sounds : Yes, All player death sounds including splatter,
punching, and player pain sound.
* Construction *
Build Time : hmm, gezz I forgot, TOO LONG :)
Editor(s) used : EdMap 1.21 (The Best), Nwt (The Best)
Known Bugs : About 20-30 Missles flying around your face when
playing DeathMatch on the Playing Fields BBS !!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels. Just please give me credit in your text.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: Any major sites or mirrors.
MultiPlayer BBS: PLAYING FIELDS BBS --> 305.819.9925 <--
South Florida's #1 Multiplayer DOOM, DOOM II, & Heretic BBS!