Text File
Title : Doom 2 French Version (doom2f.wad) binary patch
Filename : frpatch.zip
Release date : 2010-04-14
Author : Simon Howard
Email Address : fraggle@gmail.com
Other Files By Author : french.zip, greenfish.wad
Description : This is a binary "sideways-grade" patch to
convert the normal (English) version of Doom II
v1.8 to the official French translated version.
The French version of Doom was created by a
professional translations company called "Art of
Words" and distributed in France, although it
seems to be pretty rare.
For a less invasive way to experience the French
translation of Doom II, see my other upload,
french.zip, which includes a PWAD and dehacked
patch to create the same result.
Additional Credits to : Id Software, Art of Words
Maurizio Giunti for MDIFF/MPATCH.
* Instructions *
Installing this patch requires having a copy of Doom II v1.8. If you only
have version 1.9, you can get v1.8 by jumping through several hoops.
1. Install a clean copy of Doom II v1.9 from your install disc.
2. Get dm2dwngr.zip from the idgames repository (directory utils/exe_edit/)
and downgrade down to v1.666.
3. Get d2166617.zip from the idgames repository (directory historic/)
and upgrade up to v1.7a. Note that the text file for this file is
incorrectly titled; it IS a 1.666->1.7a patch, not v1.7.
4. Get dm2_18pt.zip from the idgames repository (directory historic/)
and upgrade to v1.8.
5. Install this patch to get the French version of Doom II v1.8.
To install the patch, extract this .zip into your Doom II directory and
run patch.bat from the DOS prompt. It might take several minutes to
This patch has been tested in DOSbox and Windows XP's COMMAND.COM. I
haven't tested in "real" DOS but it should work fine.
* Copyright / Permissions *
I claim no copyright on this file. You can do anything you want with
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors