Text File
Date Finished : 3-13-95
Author : Timothy A. Harris a.k.a. JedaiYet
Email Address : whiplash@jax.jaxnet.com
Other Files By Author : ZAPHOD12.ZIP (includes new music, sounds, sprites,
and special effects - for the
classic DOOM).
Misc. Author Info : File Sysop of The Modem Games BBS, Jax, FL.
- Running Sirius Game Connection Software for
blazing fast 4-player DOOM, D2, and Heretic!
- Currently 2-player and soon multi-Descent!
- Soon to be 14 nodes!
- Call: (904) 725-7931 or 8103
Description : A DeathMatcher's Dream!! This Haven of Heroes
delights the visitor with the cool waters of a
sun-sparkling pool of green to a Great Hall
of majestic proportions. Feel free to visit
the Three Tanning Towers and the mythical
Tunnel of Stone - if you can find it.
Additional Credits to : ID, programmers of DCK 2.x, BSP 1.2, RMB 2.x,
and my fellow inspiring PWAD designers.
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 01 (For DOOM II only)
Single Player : Possible but only one monster...
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Not unless you like fragging friends
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES, EAT IT YOU COCKY TURBO TWIT!!!
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented - too big for just chainsaws ;)
New Sounds : My TradeMark
New Music : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch - as it always will be
Build Time : A few...
Editor(s) used : DCK 2.x
Known Bugs : Nada, Zip, Zero
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors..., ftp.usis.com
BBS numbers: The Modem Games BBS - numbers above...
Other: JedaiYet on IRC #doom