Text File
Archive Maintainer ShadesMaster (huh?)
Update to DeepEvil.pk3 (future reference)
Advanced engine needed GZdooM
Primary purpose Single-player mod that gives the mood of DooM 1 while having all-new stuff!
Title Deepest Evil
Filename DeepEvil.pk3 DeepEvil.txt
Release date: 5/19/11
Author: ShadesMaster
Email Address: ShadesSBU@gmail.com ChrisOliveri@live.com
Other Files By Author: RiverWood Village for HeXen *under the alias 'CodenniumRed'
Misc. Author Info: www.youtube.com/shadesthesocialite - see who I am, what I am about, etc!
Deepest Evil is a mod for DooM 2 that takes the player through an infested base in search of a nuclear detonator, before the monsters get it!
Featured here is a 6 level 'first episode' - it not only includes enhancements to most of the existing DooM 2 monsters, but many fitting additions as well.
I seek to achieve a DooM 1 feel while using all-new monsters and DooM 2 content as well!
- Reorganized weapons. 1) key uses no ammo, 2) is all bullet weapons, 3) are shell-based guns, 4) is nails, 5) is rockets, 6) is for plasma and 7) is for supernatural ammo!
- New sprites for many existing weapons.
- Rebalanced weapons - new friends join your DooM favorites as you find tools of varying power for all ammotypes.
- New monsters - new foes join doomed enemies who themselves have received upgrades. Arachnotrons act sharper, Cacodemons bleed blue and Revenants go duel as Terminators rampage and Cybruisers never miss a beat!
- Unique storyline - Traverse through an infested base, where forbidden hybridic experiments abound, and detonate a nuclear warhead before the demons take it with them! And that's just chapter 1!
- find the machinegun early to have a better backup than a mere pistol.
- Line up enemies to use the nailgun and it's ripper darts, or deliver an all-powerful blast!
- The pulse rifle is an experimental cannon, smaller brother of the plasma rifle and more common.
- The UAC has crafted new types of armor await, both common and experimental!
- Supernatural artifacts lie in wait to do more for the player. The Hades sphere and Giga Sphere replenish, while the Shield Sphere adds new dimension to invincibility - right back at your foes!
Additional Credits to
40OZ: textures
BRAVO: Adrenaline Kit sprites
CAGE: various textures
DREADOOP: Bullet Kit, Shell Kit
ENJAY: Cacomental, various textures
ERIANCE: The Shotgun sprites, Overlord, Terminator, Hellion, Cybruiser, Diabloist, BFG sprites
GHASTLY DRAGON: Chaingun Major, Ligh Column, Giga Sphere sprites, Tech armor sprite, both Nailguns
JOEYTD: Angled pistol
KELKSDOSE: Torch effects
KDIZD TEAM: Impaled Marines, textures
MECHADON: Nailgun decorate
NICK BAKER: various textures
PILLOWBLASTER: Improved and modified Missile decorate
SARGEBALDY: various textures
SCALLIONA: Adrenaline Kit regeneration decorate
SLADEEXE: gun sprites for Pulse Rifle, new plasma pickups
THESHOOTER7: Nailgun decorate
TORMENTOR667: Rapid-Fire Trooper, Fusion Spider, Diabloist, Chaingun Major, various textures
VADER: Terminator, FleshSpawn, Chaingun Major
*and* use of Nashgore mod and smooth weapons animations!
* What is included *
New levels 6
Sounds Yes
Music Yes
Graphics Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch No
Decorate Yes
Demos No
Other No
Other files required GZdoom
* Play Information *
Game DOOM2
Map # Map01 - Map06
Single Player Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player No
Other game styles No
Difficulty Settings Yes
* Construction *
Base New levels from scratch
Build Time 6 months total, 60 hours total work - and this is just the first part!
Editor(s) used DooM Builder 2, SlumpED
Known Bugs Jumps to defauly DooM 2 ending, wanted a new txt ending LOL!!!!
May Not Run With Needs GZdoom
Tested With GZdoom 1.5.6 (r1104)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors