Text File
Archive Maintainer : This is a re-release, with altered permissions
text, of a wad originally released via the
CompuServe Action Games Forum
Advanced engine needed : None
Primary purpose : Single play
Title : Zombie Heart of Death v1.11
Filename : zomheart.wad
Release date : Originally January 1996; re-released September 2011
Author : David E. Armstrong
Email Address : hallu.subspace@gmail.com
Other Files By Author :
Misc. Author Info : Independent Software Development Consultant/
Composer/Sound Designer/Graphic Designer/Etc.
Soundtracks (Film, Video, Game) of particular interest
Space is the place!
Files in the zip : Zomheart.wad -- the wad
Template.txt -- renamed copy of this file
Zomheart.txt -- updated version of the original text-file
Orig_txt.zip -- Zip file containing additional files from
the 1996 release:
Zomheart.txt -- the text-file from 1996
Zomheart.bat -- prepares zomheart.wad for play
DeuSF 3.7
Description : The challenge of this wad is to not become a Zombie!
This is a very tough, large, non-linear, single player wad.
Please note, skill 4 (Top Doomers Only!) is designed partly
as a "Test of Doomer Skills" -- tough but not
impossible (no cheat codes required).
All skill settings are quite difficult (at least in places).
Experience the surprise of the "Gauntlet"
Go Teleport Wacky in the "Circle of Death"
Race against time on the "Battlefield"
Get blown to bits in the teleport barrel trap!
Try to find the only Megasphere in the game.
And how the heck do you get the backpack?
I see the blue key, but how do I get it?
And who the heck is that laughing?
Find the Prairie Style room, complete with Inglenook!
But, most of all, Beware the Beating of the Heart...
Additional Credits to : Id -- nice 3D cheats, guys!
Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet and Brendon J. Wyber for WinDeu
Olivier Montanuy for WinTex and DeuSF
Colin Reed for BSP 1.2x
Serge Smirnov for CleanWad v1.0b
Peter Monks for TED v1.2
Playtesters :
Thomas M. Frusti, Jim F. Flynn,
Michael G. Abbott, John Orzechowski, and Dalias
Thanks for helping make this a better wad!!
Thanks to Grazza for helping release this to the world again!
* What is included *
New levels : 1
Sounds : Yes
Music : Yes
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : None
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM2
Map # : MAP01
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes - not tested - probably fun, but not enough ammo...
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes - not tested - probably lousy
Other game styles : No
Difficulty Settings : All - note: skill 2 is HMP, skill 3 is UV,
and skill 4 is for "Top Doomers Only!"
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : Surely you jest
Editor(s) used : WinDeu by Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet and Brendon J. Wyber
Other Utilities : BSP v1.2x by Colin Reed;
WinTex and DeuSF by Olivier Montanuy
CleanWad v1.0b by Serge Smirnov
TED v1.2 by Peter Monks
Lots of other tools...
Known Bugs : Let's all repeat the programmer's mantra together:
They're not bugs, they're features...
Let me know what you find.
May Not Run With : Makes extensive use of Doom bugs/quirks as features, so may
not work exactly as intended with ports that make major
changes in the game's behaviour
If using Doom2.exe, you will need to use deusf - see
zomheart.txt within zomheart.zip
If using Chocolate-Doom, use the -merge option
Tested With : Originally Doom2.exe; for this re-release verified with
Prboom-plus and Zdoom that the exit can be reached
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications.
(C) Copyright David E. Armstrong, 1996, 2011
(P) Performance Rights David E. Armstrong, 1996, 2011
All Rights Reserved.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites:
FTP sites:
If you wander into a place and you're low on weapons/ammo,
and there are just too darn many monsters, you
probably shouldn't be there yet. Go another way!
Retracing your steps can keep you from going around in circles at times.
When all is darkest... the automap can help a bunch.
If you think playing King of the Hill is hard, the key is not to be blue,
try playing King of the Kill!
You must bow down many times to the evil thing to escape!
If shooting yourself in the foot seems like an odd thing to do,
sometimes it pays off to be a bit odd.
This level can be finished without becoming a Zombie, or dying at all!
There is an exit level switch. Hmmm, not much of a hint...but just in case
you had any doubts...
To find a million ellipsoids, one must endure a very hot foot on the edge of reality.
Have fun!
I've added a separate Solutions file with some more hints.
Remember -- Everything's Relative!