Text File
Uploaded by RL (super_shotgun35@yahoo.com)
Filename(s) : PSYCHOT.WAD
Author : Matt Bennett
Email : MBenn90210@aol.com
Misc. Author Info : After completing DOOM, Ultimate DOOM, and DOOM II,
I got into EDMAP to carry on where they left off.
Description : This is a set of pretty difficult DOOM II
wads BUT!, they are all possible, even starting
with just a pistol and a few shells. The few bits
of secret are there just to help, they're not
The main key to finishing these wads is discretion!
Don't go running around like a headless Imp, and
don't try killing the Cyber Demons or the Spider
Demons. Every level contains all the weapons
EXCEPT THE BFG - this is for big puffs! Take 'em on
with a shot gun!!
Additional Credits to : Carl Croft - co-designer and play tester.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : 1 to 5
Single Player : Yes (Thats what they were made for after all)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (The starts are there but multiplayer modes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes have not been tested).
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No \
New Graphics : No } Just wait 'till I get the software to do it!!
New Music : No /
Demos Replaced : 1 - In the file PSYCHO.LMP (This shows how easy
level 1 is on Hurt-Me-Plenty!)
* Construction *
Base : All new levels from scratch.
Editor(s) used : edmap 1.21b
Known Bugs : This one is a real bitch!! Level 4 has an arch-
vile, but before you reach him you'll have to kill
a few (a dozen or so!) demons. The bug is in the way
he resurrects these beasties - they become completely
indestructable and they have the ability to walk
through the walls and come looking for you! NOWHERE IS
The only way to avoid this is .............
(I'll let you figure that out)
* Instructions *
Copy all the PSYCHOT files into your DOOM 2 directory, and instead of
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use these levels as a base to build additional
levels. (But why would you want to? Do something original!)
You MAY distribute these WAD's, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute these files in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get these WADs *
WHAT? - You've already got them!