Esselfortium cheifly for putting in way too many hours in mapping, detailing, refining, tweaking, compiling, putting together the texture wad, editing posts, and never losing his head like A CERTAIN CO-LEADER OF THE 32IN24 PROJECT.
On that note, deathz0r for not only not contrib- uting, but also fucking up the release of 32in24-4.wad (CTF.) If you ever wondered why getwad downloads this wad, and then your client of choice tells you it's the wrong file, wonder no more. Turnabout is fair play!
DD_133 for initially compiling the wad!
Ajapted for finding a ton of bugs!
Tom_D for the map03 music! Bobby Prince, Raven Software, Apocalyptica, and some other people for the rest of it!
All the people whose textures we used: Gothic Resource Wad, Nick Baker's Greatest Hits Collection, Raven Software, id Software, SargeBaldy, Skulltag, Espi, RuinBros, Esselfortium, and anyone else we forgot to list.
Agent Spork for permission to use the Simplicity palette :) and for disappearing after the first night of mapping with a half done wad :(
And finally myself (Shaikoten) for coming up with the idea, organization, and making the interpic.
Text File
Advanced engine needed : Boom
Primary purpose : Deathmatch
Title : 32 in 24 5
Filename : 32in24-5.wad
Release date : 09/20/2007
Author : The 32in24 team!
Email Address : Shaikoten :
Other Files By Author : 32in24.wad (FFA), 32in24sp.wad, 32in24-3.wad
(DUEL CORE EDITION,) 32in24-4.wad (CTF)
Misc. Author Info : #32in24 on IRC, look for more from us!
Description : Another FFA 32in24, except with a unique app-
roach: one person creates a layout, and another
mapper focuses on detailing the layout heavily
and overall refining the map to perfection. All
layouts were completed in 24 hours, within 48
hours almost all were detailed, and in the next
two days, the wad was compiled and released.
Here, have a maplist!
01 Shaikoten/Esselfortium - Mongolesium
02 Shai/Ajapted/Essel - Court of the Crimson Schwing
03 Shaikoten/mid - Microwaved Uterogestation
04 Fisk/Esselfortium - Proving Grounds
05 Tango/Brinks - Phrenetic Chainsaw Slaughter of a Crippled Infant
06 Ajapted/RottKing - Compound of Dripping Filth
07 ClonedPickle/doom2day - Suspenders at Dusk
08 Mephisto/DD_133 - Technical Hazard
09 daimonreloaded/RottKing - Tower of Total Crapness
10 Leileilol/Bucket - Dana Ken
11 Shaikoten/Killingblair - The Blair Shai Project
12 Catoptromancy/Worst - Deja Vu
13 Leileilol/RottKing - HEY FACK YOU MAN
14 RottKing/Esselfortium - Rectum? Darn Near Killed'em!
15 Ajapted/Esselfortium - Frozen Maiden
16 Bucket/Cybershark - Tower of Tor
17 ClonedPickle/mid - RB Takes Over 32in24
18 Shaikoten/Killingblair - Pewter City Gym
19 Kassman/mid - Hemoglobin Rig
20 Shaikoten/Esselfortium - Virtual Sea of Pizza
21 Esselfortium/Mephisto - Jungle Fever
22 Catoptromancy/Tango - Rolling Stones Collect No Moss
23 Mephisto/joe_ - Mucupurulent Offal Grinder
24 Shaikoten/Nes/RottKing - Spacious Fields of Anal Justice
25 RottKing/DD_133 - Octagon of Madness
26 Fisk/Killingblair - Argon
27 RottKing/Esselfortium - I'm Gonna Blow Ya Up!
28 Shai/Asspants/DD_133/Esselfortium - The Power to Believe
29 Fisk/Mechadon - Satyr's Delirium
30 Esselfortium/Tango - NiGHTMAREs Into Dreams
31 Worst/DaimonReloaded/Esselfortium - A Pocketful of Octopuses
32 Bucket/Kassman - Volcanic Panic
Additional Credits to : Esselfortium cheifly for putting in way too many
hours in mapping, detailing, refining, tweaking,
compiling, putting together the texture wad,
editing posts, and never losing his head like
On that note, deathz0r for not only not contrib-
uting, but also fucking up the release of
32in24-4.wad (CTF.) If you ever wondered why
getwad downloads this wad, and then your client
of choice tells you it's the wrong file, wonder
no more. Turnabout is fair play!
DD_133 for initially compiling the wad!
Ajapted for finding a ton of bugs!
Tom_D for the map03 music! Bobby Prince, Raven
Software, Apocalyptica, and some other people
for the rest of it!
All the people whose textures we used: Gothic
Resource Wad, Nick Baker's Greatest Hits
Collection, Raven Software, id Software,
SargeBaldy, Skulltag, Espi, RuinBros,
Esselfortium, and anyone else we forgot to list.
Agent Spork for permission to use the Simplicity
palette :) and for disappearing after the first
night of mapping with a half done wad :(
And finally myself (Shaikoten) for coming up with
the idea, organization, and making the interpic.
BONUS RANTING : Besides producing a very high quality map pack,
the goal of this project for me, personally, was
to experiment with new ways to put together Doom
megawads. I would like to write a manifesto, if
you will, about my current thoughts on project
compilation, and I hope someone finds them
helpful or inspiring.
32in24 basically started as a joke. I was on
IRC, and most of the people in #unidoom were
bored, so I said "Let's make a 32 map megawad in
24 hours!" sarcastically. People started
responding enthusiastically, so deathz0r and I
actually put the project together. Amazingly, we
completed all 32 maps before the deadline and had
a playable, rough around the edges DM megawad.
This got me thinking though. If we can complete
a functional, if ugly megawad in a day, with no
project advertisement beforehand in 24 hours,
imagine what else we could accomplish? With a
group of faithful mappers, we started going down
the list of game modes, with each wad more and
more polished, culminating in 32in24-4, a couple
of weeks ago. Still, there were some naysayers
within the Doom community who called our maps
low quality, simply on the basis that they were
So our maps are ugly. Some people are refusing
to participate in the event or play the wads
because of it. How do you speedmap something
that just screams quality, though?
The answer turned out to be simple. Some people
have trouble making layouts, and take forever,
while others have the same problem with details.
So why not have one team do what they're good at,
and the other do what they're good at? We did,
and I'm pleased with the results. In just a few
days, we took maps that looked like turds and
polished them into gems, and presented an overall
very high quality wad.
But there are other benefits to this system of
mapping that a lot of people have voiced to me,
which were completely unexpected. For example,
I had one mapper tell me that he wasn't feeling
very confident or having a lot of fun with
mapping on his own, but after he participated in
a few 32in24s, he found his output greatly
increased, his maps looking and playing better
than ever, and his desire to map also increased.
Why was this? Well we discussed it, and the
reason seemed to be the condensed time and the
close community in 32in24. You can upload your
map in this project and get constructive criti-
cism almost instantly, and if you can't do some-
thing, another mapper will do it for you and give
you the wad back so you can learn how to. It
also adds a sense of both urgency, and comradarie
to what's usually just sitting in a chair and
clicking in your favorite editor for a few hours.
I overheard another mapper talking to a project
lead of a different DM map project say, "we
should do _____ like 32in24!" At first I was
flattered, and then I really thought about it.
They SHOULD do their project like 32in24. I can
think of certain instances where the setup would
not flow smoothly, but for a DM or CTF megawad?
It's the perfect way to create a map pack with
the least effort and hassle, and to produce the
best final result, as I see it.
So I encourage other mappers to use what we have
learned with these past five projects, to focus
on what we will learn in future projects, and
apply it to the construction of their wads. I
also encourage mappers of any skill level to
participate in 32in24 projects coming in the
future. It's a good experience for mappers of
any skill level or discipline. Thanks for
reading through this, and if you made it this
far, by golly, you've earned yourself a cookie.
* What is included *
New levels : 32
Sounds : No
Music : Yes
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : No
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM2 (BOOM compat)
Single Player : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Yes
Other game styles : None
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : 24 hours for layouts, a few days for details
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder, SLADE, WadAuthor, XWE, SlumpED,
Known Bugs : Should be tested to near perfection
May Not Run With... : jumping allowed (or at least correctly)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.
This PWAD contains select texture(s) and flat(s) that can originally be
foundin GothicDM or Gothic2. Credit and thanks go out to the artist(s) of
said flat(s) and texture(s) and also to the rest of the Gothic Crew
(1997/98). The ORIGINAL GothicDM(2).ZIP can be found in the IDGAMES
archive. Each said ZIP archive contains thirty-two "professional quality"
levels and music.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: and mirrors
Web sites:
FTP sites: