Text File
This file contains pwads for DOOM I and DOOM II.
Some have appeared under different names (by me) in the past,
so don't be surprised if 1 or 2 look familiar.
I decided to upload this as 1 file for convenience sake,
and to make these wads more accessible. Descriptions follow:
File DOOM / DOOM2 Level Replaced Editor Used
chaseme.wad DOOM E1L1 DoomEd 2.6
rundown.wad DOOM E1L1 "
snipeme.wad DOOM E1L1 "
comproom.wad DOOM E1L1 "
frgblast.wad DOOM2 MAP01 Edmap 1.3
beguiled.wad DOOM2 MAP02 "
runlkamf.wad DOOM2 MAP03 "
General Notes:
All of these pwads represent a very large time investment,
but I love this stuff, so it was worth it ;). I paid particular
attention to the aesthetics for these wads, not just hacked together
with misaligned textures and clashing walls like so many deathmatch
only wads. I also tried to make them flexible and intersting / challenging
for the single player and even co-op mode. They play best in deathmatch
but are no slouch in the other areas. Users of these pwads feel free
to hack out weapons or such to make the game more suitable to your taste.
Please leave the layout alone, unless you want to give credit to the
author in work you publish. As long as you mention me, I don't mind :)
(shameless plug mode on here). The DOOM2 pwads are probably what I
consider my best work, and many other people like them as well, they
were previously uploaded under the inauspicious names of
DM2GM1,2 and 3. wad...yechh what names. In fact they landed me a job
doing production level design for an upcoming new game release!
Following are brief comments on the wads.
chaseme.wad - Lots-o-teleporters, but centrally located around
a hexagonal center area. Some neat outer areas and other
good stuff to explore as well. This wad was rated very
highly (under the name chase.wad) in the deathmatch wad
ratings that appered on the internet.
rundown.wad - This wad is nonstop action from start to finish, a little
tricky to get around (use teleporters smartly) to the
exit, but you'll be dead before that anyway ;).
snipeme.wad - Very challenging single player, some really cool rooms
and changes in environment as you go through it. Great
in deathmatch, lots-o-frags here. Kill the spider on UV
if you can even get there!.
comproom.wad - I've had alot of fun with this one, but it is probably
because it is a pretty acurate representation of my
building at work, with lots of doom-stuff added for
interest. Man, work is really hell here.
frgblast.wad - A killer wad, period. Frag for hours around this wad.
Tremendous attention to look and feel. You wont be
dissapointed with this one. Extremely challenging
single player wad as well. If you can get through
this one in one shot on UV, without saving, you
are a doom grand master. The final arena room will
test your skills to the extreme.
beguiled.wad - You'll say, how the hell do I get through this!!!
A spider, a Cyber, lots of other baddies. All weapons.
This can be done, just think like a sniper.
This is also a personal deathmatch favorite.
runlkamf.wad - Run like a mother - f****r. Just load this up
and try it. You'll see. Best wad I have done.
Deathmatch is unreal in here.
If you like these wads, or if you think they are total crap,
please....tell me!. reuter@merck.com on the net.
or 908-594-7315 if you hate them
so much that you must flame me
"in person".
Eric C. Reuter.