Text File
Uploader: The Doom Universe
Uploader's email: pellepositiivi123 AT hotmail.com
Comments by the uploader: The text file claims it's E1M1 but it's actually
MAP01. We think this was originally made for Doom 1
and later converted to Doom 2. It's a quite funny map.
The exit is the deadly water in the cross pit.
Other files uploaded by The Doom Universe: DANTE.WAD (id=16799)
The complete DM2x.WAD series (id=16926)
D2PENDPP.WAD (id=16927)
Files made by The Doom Universe: The Total Randomness Community Project
(id=16842) ---> PLAY IT!!!
Website: http://thedoomuniverse.prophpbb.com
Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/thedoomuniverse
Archive Maintainer : This is for Doom 2, not Doom 1!
The uploader's email is at the top of this file
Advanced engine needed : None
Primary purpose : Single + coop play, Deathmatch
In life, he was a serial killer. But, one day, he was
When he awoke, a green-dressed man was standing in front of him.
And the man spoke:
- Welcome to the Purgatory. Now you must win your place in heaven...
Now you must face all the violence you produced in life...
- What? Where am I? Who are you? Which...?
- Listen carefully... All the people you killed in your life are
here. They've been waiting for you for a long, long time... And,
finally, you have arrived. Prepare to meet your doom.
- Are you an angel?
- Yes. I must help you in your quest to heaven.
- Why?
- Well, it's my job. Now, take this weapon. You may need it to
purify all the souls in this place. Besides, I have distributed
another weapons all over the building.
- ...And all I have to do is kill everybody? Pets included?
- Ha! No, there aren't any pets in the Purgatory. They all gone to
heaven. And, to ask your first question, I have to tell you one
thing: to find the way out, follow the steps of Christ.
- I don't understand...
- You dont't need to understand his Brightness. Just follow the way
he rose to his father. And now, step in that teleporter and may the
Holly be with us. I'll go after you.
- Ahem... Angel... You said you will help me?
- Yes, the cooperative way is the best and the fastest...
- Well, angel... Try to help this!
- ...
Author : Byte & Byte Associats
Email Address : (none)
Misc. Author Info : JBB created Byte & Byte Asscts.
on January of 1994
Description : Really big spaces, high ceilings and not
many doors, as like as lifts and teleporters.
Lots of Imps and Sergeants...
...And there's NO HEALTH BONUS. I think
it's no realistic.
One last thing: read the history to know
how to exit this level.
Additional Credits to : Id Software
: Rapha‰l Quinet
: Brendon J Wyber
: Nic (for the four hours deathmatch one
month ago. That night, besides the Vega
Sicilia and the Breda's "flesh drainpipes",
became my inspiration)
Greetings to : Lara, for being absent since 1987
: Deckar and Skelter, for the gore motivation
: Sm‹kär, for the IPX software and the
great help-on-line
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes. Especially made to be played in a
scoundrel day; it's as relaxing as to
hit people in a church...
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but who wants to play the co-op?!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, here's the real one: deal with
the death or with your friends.
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented (I hate them; anything
under ULTRAVIOLENCE bores me and
depresses my mother...)
New Sounds : No, but look for DDC.WAD, another fine
creation of DECKAR (COMING SOON)
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : 15 hours (plus play testing time)
Editor(s) used : DEU v5.2
Known Bugs : Those erratical textures!
-Sorry, my first PWAD-
Hint : Knock on wood
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: (none)
BBS numbers: (none)
Other: (none)