Text File
Title : Spear of Destiny - Return to Danger & The Ultimate Challenge For Edge Sourceport
Filename : Sodmpks.wad Sodmpddf.wad
Author : Raphael "Caleb26"
Email Address : calebx@wp.pl
Misc. Author Info : EDGE V 1.35 or higher + doom2.wad required.
WOLF3D_MUSIC FOLDER contains high quality ingame music. Don't delete this folder! I don't know who created these tracks.
Whoever did it did an awesome job. So special credit goes to the creator of these music tracks.
Description : This is a faithful recreation of two Spear of Destiny Mission Packs - Return to Danger and The Ultimate Challenge.
All 42 levels with all the original graphics and hires sprites. (Almost all enemies and decorations are covered in hd:) )
All Spear of Destiny musictracks in mp3 format are also included.
You can select two new mission packs within Ingame Episode Menu. And yes this wolfendoom adventure has difficulty settings. Higher difficulty level - more enemies.
Have Fun!
Additional credits, special thanks:
Laz Rojas for creating Wolfendoom
Ceejay for making Edge port of Wolfendoom and additional work.
Doomjedi for letting me use his Spear of Destiny Mission Packs hires sprites
And of course Id Software for creating Wolfenstein and Doom series.
Return to Danger - The Story So Far:
At the end of SPEAR OF DESTINY Mission 1, B.J. captured the Spear of Destiny and returned it to the U.S. where it was kept under tight security.
Hitler, desperate for the Spear, sent Major Hans "The Axe" von Schlieffen and a group of Storm Troopers to the U.S. to regain the Spear and the power he seeks.
After a bloody battle, only Hans manages to narrowly escape and make it back alive, with the Spear, to the Nazi's Secret Scandinavian Base.
Hitler had the new base built to carry out Atomic Research! The Atomic Research Lab is excavated from solid rock in a Scandinavian fjord, accessible only by submarine.
The Ultimate Challenge - The Story So Far:
Hitler, after once again regaining the Spear, is more paranoid than ever. He has expanded the Fuehrerbunker beneath the Chancellery in Berlin.
The bunker is excavated and expanded to carry out the development of future weapons systems. All previous entries to the Fuehrerbunker have been permanently sealed off.
The bunker is only accessible from the lowest level by means of a service elevator which is heavily guarded.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01-Map42
Single Player : Yes, tested.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : yes
New Sounds : yes
New Graphics : yes
New Music : yes
Demos Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : All Sod mission 2 and 3 maps converted to doom format using winmaptowad. The hardest part was to retexture every single map using doombuilder2.
Build time : I don't remember:P A lot
Editor(s) used : DoomBuilder2, Xwe, Coreldraw 14, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Chaos Edit 1.27, Winmaptowad
Known Bugs : Nope
Other Project made by me:
Heretic - Masters of Chaos V 1.1 (megawad)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Web-sites *
DoomNation www.doomnation.com
DoomWorld www.doomworld.com
Wildman's Corner www.doomworld.com/wildman
ZDooM zdoom.notgod.com