Text File
° -Seismic Lab- °
° by: FraGMarE °
Title: Seismic Lab
Filename: seismic.wad
Author: Fragmare (Ian McPherson)
E-mail: fragmare@yahoo.com
Description: This is my tribute and homage to Aikman's popular Dwango5 Map01.
You'll notice the overall layout is quite similar. The Quake
texture work was inspired by the red team side of zdctfmp2.wad map11.
Basically, this map is everything you love and hate about D5M1, but ramped
up. It's very free-flowing and pretty fast paced. I've also really strived
to push the old doom2.exe engine to its limits in order to give this map a
more newschool appearance. Anyway, if you're into Dwango5 Map01, even a
little, you should check this map out. :)
Release Date: May 24, 2013
-Play Information-
Game: DOOMII (100% vanilla doom2.exe compatible)
Map #: 1
Single Player: No
Cooperative 2-4 Player: No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes
Difficulty Settings: Recommended- Skill 5, no monsters, old deathmatch
Sounds Replaced: The teleport sound has been replaced.
New Textures: Yes. Lots of new textures! Most are from Quake 1.
New Graphics: Yes
New Music: Yes. Map1's music replaced.
New Sprites: Nope.
New Demos: Nada.
New Lumps: None.
Base: Scratch
Build Time: Who cares?
Editor(s) Used: DOOM Builder 2, XWE, BSP32
Known Bugs: There is some minor Hall of Mirror effect here and there. No big deal.
Authors may not use this WAD as a base to build additional levels.
You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this TXT file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc...) as long as you include this TXT file intact.