Text File
Advanced engine needed : Yes
Primary purpose : Single play
Title : High/Low 5
Filename : highlow5.wad
Date of release : July 2013
Author : Chris Hansen
Other Files By Author : Flay The Obscene series
High/Low series
CH Retro Episode
In A World
Rip it, Tear it, Smash it!
maps for 2002 A Doom odyssey
+ many more
Misc. Author Info : http://www.windward.dk/TDR
Story : None.
Description : This map is the conclusion of my High/Low
series. Where the other maps are for Ult. Doom
this one is for Doom 2. I chose to make it
look and feel like some of the city maps from
org. game, as they have always been some of my
favorite maps and what I associate with Doom 2.
But of course, I have also made sure to put my
own mark on the map, just as the other maps in
the series. They are all merely interpretations
of the org. games.
Anyway, this map is full of trick, traps,
ambushes and puzzles. There is also a good deal
of variety in the layout, so expect to do a little
base jumping and try to watch your step at all
The difficulty in the map does not come from
hordes of monsters. It might be a big map, but
it is not stuffed with monsters.
Testers : Memfis, Stormwalker, Dennis K and Kristian Aro.
Additional Credits to :
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Doom2 Map01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Starts are there. Untested.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. Untested.
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Music : Yes. From Final Doom: TNT Evilution
New Graphics : Doom 2 city sky, titlepic
Demos Replaced : No
* Construction *
Base : Completely new level
Build Time : Many years on and off.
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, Slade
Known Bugs : None, I hope. Tested primarily with zDoom,
gzdoom and Prboom+.
May Not Run With... : Unknown.
How To Run The File : [port of your choice exe] -file highlow5.wad
..... or whichever way you like :)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
(end of document.)