Text File
Advanced engine needed : no
Primary purpose : Single player
Title : Favillesco - Episode 1: Genuflected on Io V1.2
Filename : favie112.wad
Release date : 07/21/2013
Author : Nicolas Monti
Email Address : nicolasmonti83@gmail.com
Other Files By Author : deiminma.wad (Deimos Immaculated)
eviltecc.wad (Eviltech)
Misc. Author Info : I'm a 30 years old doomer, I make maps when it's
possible for me because most of the time I'm busy with other stuff. beyond
that I keep interested on everything related to doom, I believe mapping is
a true art which requires lots of effort, motivation and skills.
Description : this is the first episode of what is intended to
be a four episode replacement for ultimate doom taking place on the four
galilean moons of jupiter. I've tried of emulate the well known "phobos
style" it is know there are many phobos replacements out there and I wanted
to do one on my own. I used the shareware doom wad as resurce for these maps
in order to avoid elements from the other episodes and I've put enphasis on
the layout geometry "studying" the classic romero maps and trying to think
more or less like him when making sectors and texturing, sorta dtwid.
The story is that uac has bases on the moons of jupiter as well on those
of mars and the invasion event is simultaneous to the one on mars.
this first episode takes place on the moon Io
Updates from version 1.0 to version 1.1:
e1m1: many tutti frutti texture effect fixed and some texture alignments
e1m2: corrected small curve in the eastern secret corridor and corrected
sector lighting right before the outside area.
e1m3: inescapable secret area with blue armor solved
e1m4: wrong light level of platform on the acid pool at the SE corner fixed.
some minor changes in the secret stair at the south and a window in front of
the soulsphere.
2 tutti fruity effects solved
e1m5: 2 tutti fritti effects solved
e1m6: some minor texture alignment on the secret area with the computer map
e1m7: many tutti frutti effects.
e1m8. corrected 4 sectors wrong lighting level
changed many "109" linedef to "2" due to vanilla incompability
e1m9: corrected 1 step height at SW corner
updates from version 1.1 to version 1.2
4 tutti frutti effects fixed.
1 floating item fixed.
2 tutti frutti effect fixed.
fixed inescapable secret area at NW.
3 realigned textures.
6 tutti frutti effects fixed.
enhanced detail in bars on the north room with the green armor.
enhanced detail in bars on the window between the small pool and
the outside area with the soulsphere.
missed secret area fixed.
zombiemen open the blue armor secret area fixed.
zombiemen guarding the rocket launcher forbidden to go outside.
stucked zombieman fixed.
some minor aesthetic corrections as:
some texture alignments to 0;0 on startan walls.
nukeslad texture applied arround the cumputer's map platform
ceiling of the soulsphere sector lowered resulting on a ceiling techcase.
changed texture ceiling of closet near to soulsphere.
window on corridor prior to the yellow key lifted by 8 units.
lowered light level on closet that opens after grabbing the red key.
1 tutti frutti effects fixed.
stucked demon on SW platform fixed.
corrected ceiling texture and light level on the SW platform
enhanced detail in bars on the SW area.
enhanced detail in bars on the middle area next to the pool.
3 tutti frutti effect fixed.
1 wrong texture fixed at the north area.
1 door texture aligned.
some texture alignments to 0;0 on startan walls.
2 tutti frutti effects fixed.
aligned bars at the W outside area and lowered detail on lateral frames.
Interchanged places between soulsphere and invisibility for merits/reward balance.
added one light amplification goggles on secret area prior to the chainsaw.
1 floating item fixed.
light level on two sectors fixed.
fixed visible baron at the begining.
"2" action linedefs reverted to "109" as version 1.0.
Additional Credits to :
* What is included *
New levels :
e1m1: observatory
e1m2: technological complex
e1m3: bio research
e1m4: waste treatment
e1m5: io lab
e1m6: atmospheric processor
e1m7: hardware
e1m8: io anomaly
e1m9: monitoring terminal
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : No
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM
Map # : E1M1 to E1M9
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only
Other game styles : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : 3 months. 1 in early 2012 and 2 in mid 2013
Editor(s) used : Doombuilder, XWE, Doomword
Known Bugs : Not known, Email me if you find some.
May Not Run With : -
Tested With : Doom.exe, Chocolate doom & Prboom
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors