About This File
Before I say a thing, this is a jokewad for ZDoom (YAY JUST WHAT WE NEED MORE OF!) so if you do not want to play some of the worst maps available (as was the projects intention) then skip this.
This is WOOO, an exhilarating experience into mapping... If it was done by monkeys.
You can't just blame me for this mess, you have these guys to blame: Mappers, project manegers, "artwork" providers, reviewers, anybody unlucky enough to post in the thread and awareness providers (What ever the hell that means): mrthejoshmon, cannonball, Scypek2, Memfis, Vaporizer, KiiiYiiiKiiiA, Flamen0d, j4rio, obake, walter confalonieri, Nomad, Xaser, TimeOfDeath, dobu gabu maru, BaronOfStuff, schwerpunk, kmxexii, Death Egg, Jimmy, Mr. Chris, Sergeant_Mark_IV and Processingcontrol I hope I named and shamed you all but I may have missed a lucky few...
This is WOOO, an exhilarating experience into mapping... If it was done by monkeys.
You can't just blame me for this mess, you have these guys to blame: Mappers, project manegers, "artwork" providers, reviewers, anybody unlucky enough to post in the thread and awareness providers (What ever the hell that means): mrthejoshmon, cannonball, Scypek2, Memfis, Vaporizer, KiiiYiiiKiiiA, Flamen0d, j4rio, obake, walter confalonieri, Nomad, Xaser, TimeOfDeath, dobu gabu maru, BaronOfStuff, schwerpunk, kmxexii, Death Egg, Jimmy, Mr. Chris, Sergeant_Mark_IV and Processingcontrol I hope I named and shamed you all but I may have missed a lucky few...