Text File
Uploaded by : Andrey Goodin
Uploader's email : kuchitsu4@gmail.com
Title : Dreamland (release 2)
Filename : DRMLND/WAD
Author : Martin Bazley
Email Address : mailto:martin.bazley@blueyonder.co.uk
Misc. Author Info : Quite tall, red haired and with a
twisted sense of humour. (And,
apparently, a twisted imagination...
see below)
Description : A medium-sized level featuring a few
nice ideas, including two mazes.
There *is* a secret exit to E1M9.
This WAD is called 'Dreamland' because
most of the design work came to me in
a dream. Scary, eh!?
Changes in release 2:
Quite a lot, mostly affecting secret
areas and map features. Nothing that
affects gameplay.
Some hints:
Watch your back in the first maze,
because those sergeants have developed
a mean aim through the windows.
There are three secrets in the first
maze - can you find them?
Before picking up the blue key, equip
the chaingun and be ready to RUN!!
Don't expect to survive the first time
after getting the yellow key. I
certainly find it difficult.
Please watch the light levels in the
open-air areas, because I'm very proud
of them.
(Multiplayer only) Do NOT attempt to
kill the Cyberdemon. Avoid it
If you still can't complete the level,
stop playing on 'Nightmare' skill...
Additional Credits to : ID software (Doom)
Eddie Edwards (RISC OS Doom)
Justin Fletcher (Doom+, RISC OS BSP)
Anthony J. Burden and Simon Oke (Deth)
Lee Noar (RISC OS Deth)
Colin Reed and Lee Killough (BSP)
Big brother Chris (BSP front-end, web
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M3
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Not really
Difficulty Settings : Yes (not easy)
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Deth 3.92 (RISC OS port 1.00)
BSP 2.3
Known Bugs : The hidden walk-over linedefs in the
room with the yellow key are
hideously unreliable. I'm sorry,
there's nothing I can do about it.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Please distribute, twist, copy, improve, translate strip or
even sell this WAD as you please, although I'd like to know if
you're going to host a mirror archive or especially if you're
going to review it.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: None
BBS numbers: None
Other: http://www.kingfishercorner.eu/