Text File
Title : Oracle...
Filename : ORACLE.WAD from DM2ORA.ZIP
Authors : Jim Flynn and Scott Harper
Email Address : CIS: 72713,3334 and 75041,1460
(Also for Scott : sharper@teleport.com)
Misc. Author Info : Programmer and CNE, Doomers both
Description : A large alien base has been discovered by
a Scout and Survey team in the Regulus
Cluster on a close Terran analogue.
Sensor readings show possible traces of
a highly advanced technology. You've been
assigned the job of exploration. Relax!
Fleet Intel reports that it's 99.999%
likely that the base is unoccupied and
probably friendly (yeah,right!). You won't
be allowed to carry any weapons in but your
pistol... as usual.
FI also reports that sensors show five
areas adjoining the main plaza, and
suggests exploration counter-clockwise from
the southeast. Some security gates and
devices do seem to still show energy flows...
strange. You will beamed into one location
showing some anomalous energy readings.
By The Way - you wouldn't want to upgrade your
insurance plan now - would you?
INSTRUCTIONS Oracle.wad is ~~1.3 MEG. If you sucessfully
extracted/unzipped it, from the \DOOM2 directory,
you should be able to type the following :
Play notes: You will require Doom ][ and a 486/66 with
local video to be able play this wad well.
This wad is the largest single level we
know of, and some impact on play speed is
impossible to avoid. However we have used all
means at our disposal, especially RMB, to make
it playable, and we beleive it is.
Co-op and Deathmatch notes:
This wad is large and complex, hence not
ideally suited for multi-player play and
potentially slow. But, the starts are
there and it HAS been tested and support
HAS been added.
Additional Credits to : Play testers: John Keary, Matt Jonelis
: Tom Neff for his sky texture from PUEBLO.WAD
: Brendon Wyber and Raphael Quinet for DEU-GCC
: Colin Reed for BSP1.2x
: Olivier Montannuy for DeuTex 2.9
: HevKev for the DeuTex Manual
: Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB
: Those folks at ID, for Doom & Doom2
* Play Information *
Level # : MAP02 (MAP03 also implemented - single only)
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes - Slow unless using killer machines
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes - Ditto...
Difficulty Settings : Yes - but UV recommended
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Tools(s) used : For level editing: DEU 5.2 (GCC),
For node building: BSP 1.2x
For reject map building: RMB
For wad composition: DeuTex 2.9
* Known Bugs * : Well, we kinda forgot to put multi-
starting points in MAP03, so if you
play through Oracle in multi-, the
whole thing will crash when you try
to start MAP03...Sorry, but we feel
that these levels are best played alone.
* Copyright / Permissions *
The sky texture in this wad is the property of Tom Neff and may not
be used elsewhere without his permission. We thank him for his
kindness in allowing us to use it here. Other than that:
Do what you want but don't blame US...
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
Compuserve Gamers Forum, Hot or Action Game Aids, filename: DM2ORA.ZIP
PC World Online Forum, The Doom Room, filename: ORACLE.ZIP
* Other Doom 2 wads by these authors on Compuserve *
Blindside! - DM2BLS.ZIP by Scott Harper
The Interdiction Zone - DM2ITZ.ZIP by Jim Flynn
* Other Doom 1 wads by these authors
Brundle's Revenge - DMBRND.ZIP
Castle from Hell - DMCAS.ZIP by Scott Harper
The Tower - DMTWR.ZIP
The Wheel - DMWHEE.ZIP
The Citadel - DMCITI.ZIP
Up and Down - DMUPDN.ZIP
The Gulch - DMGLCH.ZIP
The Rings - DMRING.ZIP
Surrounded! - DMSRND.ZIP by Jim Flynn