Text File
Advanced engine needed : Boom
Primary purpose : Single play
Title : Abyssal Speedmapping Session 23 (XXIII)
Filename : abyspe23.wad
Release date : 11/16/2015
Authors : Jimmy - Project Lead
walter confalonieri
Jaws In Space
Email Address : jamespaddock@hotmail.com (Jimmy's email address)
Misc. Author Info : The Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions were once held by
Obsidian, now hosted by TMD and are open for pretty
much anyone to participate in. PM TheMionicDonut on
Doomworld, or TMD on irc.oftc.net or the Abyss if
you're interested.
This special Halloween session was hosted by Jimmy.
Description : 17 maps made during the twenty-third Abyssal
Speedmapping Session in the space of about 3 hours,
with 20 minutes for music and texture selection and
a bunch of time after for bugfixing.
This session was held in two "rounds" for the
convenience of folks who couldn't turn up to one or
the other.
Each mapper had 3 themes to choose from:
- Monster count exactly 75 (discounting lost souls)
- Locked doors that can be opened with any key
- Use of Commander Keens and tag 666
Plus a bonus theme for those who showed up to round 2:
- Voodoo dolls out in the open
A spooky resource WAD was provided (credits below).
Credits to : Id Software for Doom II
CodeImp of Doom Builder 2
SirJuddington for SLADE3
Exl for WhackEd4
Additional Credits to : All the people who mapped, on and off call
Fuzzball for the INTERPIC
SavageCorona for the STBAR
Marcaek for making a map that didn't get in
KingDime for streaming a playthrough
Textures taken from:
koultex.wad - RottKing
rfhelltx.wad - Ravagefox
psytex.wad - Psyren
erattex.wad - Jonathan Rimmer
cfmanson.wad - Crista Forest, aka CD Warrior & Derek MacDonald aka Afterglow
New graphics used:
PCorf for the WOS interpic on which the titlepic/creditpic is based
Some recolors/edits by Jimmy & Blue Shadow
Zombieman and baron replacements by Vader
Shotgunner replacement by Carbine Dioxide
Chaingunner replacement by Joel Huenink
Cacolantern by Lexus Alyus
Commander Keen replacement by Xaser Acheron
Skull key replacements from Secret of Mana, ripped by Davias, edited by Jimmy
* Maplist *
Author: Obsidian
Music: "Hiding from the Robo-Zombies" by Cyriak "mouldy" Harris
Build Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
Theme: Any-key locks, tag 666
MAP02: Invasion of the Mechatech Space Monster
Author: jmickle66666666
Music: "break a leg, steal a chicken" by jmickle66666666
Build Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Theme: 75 monsters or less [ed: this wasn't the rule but okay :~)]
MAP03: Das Kabinet der Dr. Confalonieri
Author: walter confalonieri
Music: D_RUNNIN from Heroes 2
Build Time: 3 hours 20 minutes
Theme: Tag 666
MAP04: Eyes to See You
Author: Jimmy
Music: "xa-sharp.mid" by Xaser Acheron
Build Time: 4 hours
Theme: 75 monsters, any-key locks
MAP05: Bathed in Placenta
Author: rf`
Music: D_STALKS from Hell To Pay
Build Time: 2 hours 10 minutes
Theme: 75 monsters, tag 666
MAP06: Anticipation of the Agitation
Author: Pinchy
Music: "Acidcity" from 30in30-3 by Jimmy
Build Time: 2 hours 45 minutes
Theme: 75 monsters, any-key locks, tag 666
MAP07: John Suitepee Visits the Bone Zone
Author: Breezeep
Music: "JD12.mid" by Jeremy Doyle
Build Time: 4 hours
Theme: 75 monsters or less [ed: what did I say :~)]
MAP08: Vodou
Author: AD_79
Music: D_SHAWN3 from 3 Heures d'Agonie
Build Time: 1 hour 40 minutes
Theme: Voodoo dolls
MAP09: Really Cool Tek Base!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author: Jaws In Space
Music: "fairground for ben" by jmickle66666666
Theme: 75 monsters
Author: Gifty
MAP11: Pumpkin Spice Quest
Author: Jimmy
Music: "Shirtfront and Immigration" by Alfonzo
Build Time: 3 hours
Theme: 75 monsters
Author: Obsidian
Music: "Degrassi" by TimeOfDeath
Build Time: About 2 hours
Theme: Any-key locks, tag 666, voodoo dolls
MAP13: Imps on Plinths
Author: Pinchy
Music: "junkle.mid" from jmickle year two
Build Time: 2 hours 45 minutes
Theme: 75 monsters, any-key locks, tag 666
MAP14: Agitation Station
Author: AD_79
Music: "Evil Eye (Watches you Masturbate)" by Jimmy
Build Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
Theme: 75 monsters
MAP15: The Tale of Sir This Map Is Poor
Author: Osiris Kalev
Music: "Proto Dome" from Chrono Trigger
Build Time: Just under 2 hours
Theme: 75 monsters, any-key locks, tag 666
MAP16: “What?” × Infinity
Author: TheMionicDonut
Music: MIDI of "Big Balls" by AC/DC
Build Time: 3 hours
Theme: 75 monsters, tag 666, voodoo dolls
MAP31: Never More Dead
Author: scifista42
Music: "The Attack" from Legend of Legaia, arranged by Sirius
Build Time: 2 hours
Theme: 75 monsters
* What is included *
New levels : 17
Sounds : Yes
Music : Yes
Graphics : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes
Demos : No
* Play Information *
Game : Doom 2
Map # : MAP01 - MAP16, MAP31
Single Player : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Other game styles : None
Difficulty Settings : No
* Construction *
Base : New from scratch
Build Time : 2-4 hours per map
Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, SLADE3, WhackEd4
Known Bugs : I'unno
May Not Run With : Vanilla Doom
Tested With : PrBoom+, ZDoom
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have
received permission from the original authors of any modified or included
content in this file to allow further distribution.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors